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After you have reviewed this site, or downloaded and read one or more of the booklets, please contact us and let us know what you think about it.


action alert Take Action

Do You Want to Live in a Community Free of Psychiatric Fraud and Abuse?

We Thought so!

World Mental Health Day Proclamation

World Mental Health Day is October 10. You can contribute by taking this proclamation to your family, friends and associates for signature, and sending the signed copies to your State Secretary of Education and State Board of Education.



One of the most basic things you can do is become an Annual Member of CCHR St. Louis.

Our Annual Membership is a $300 $100 FIRST-TIME-MEMBER SPECIAL tax-exempt donation, which you can pledge in a single lump sum or a regular monthly donation.

Download our Pledge Form, print and fill it out, and mail it to CCHR STL with your check.

Click Here To Donate with a Credit or Debit Card.

The Living Will

A Living Will lets you specify decisions about your health care treatment in advance. Should you be in a position where you are to be subject to unwanted psychiatric hospitalization and/or mental or medical treatment, this Letter of Protection from Psychiatric Incarceration and/or Treatment directs that such incarceration, hospitalization, treatment or procedures not be imposed, committed or used on you. Download the file and follow the instructions now.

For more information about involuntary commitment, download and read the CCHR booklet “Involuntary Psychiatric Commitment – A Crack in the Door of Constitutional Freedoms.”


Become a Commissioner

Some of our Members might want to become a CCHR STL Commissioner.

Educate Yourself - Read About psychiatric Fraud and Abuse

CCHR has many free booklets on psych abuses in different aspects of society. Read them and become informed! Talk to your friends! There are also two hard-cover books for sale ($24.95 each), which have information you must know:

 Psychiatrists - The Men Behind Hitler

 Psychiatry - The Ultimate Betrayal

Call In To A Talk Show

-to object to drugging school children
-to expose the folly of including mental health “treatment” in health insurance.
-to relate bad results you have experienced from psychiatry

Give A CCHR Booklet or DVD To A Friend Or Opinion Leader

and encourage them to DO something about it.

Call, Write, E-Mail, FAX, or Visit with Your Local, State and Federal Legislators and other government officials

- to educate them on CCHR issues and bills of interest
- to demand that damaging and expensive psychiatric ”treatments“ be removed from health insurance mandates
- to get psych drugs and psych programs removed from public schools
- to get mandatory state reporting on harm from Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT)
- to cut funding of bogus government mental health programs
- to comment on state and national bills of interest

Write A Letter To The Editor

of a newspaper or magazine to express your opinion on pro- or anti-psych articles they have published.

Report Adverse Drug Reactions

Report all instances of complaints and adverse psychotropic drug reactions to your national drug regulatory agency. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that probably only 1 to 10 percent of all adverse drug effects are being reported by patients and physicians. Only through the reporting of all adverse drug reactions (side effects) will the full risks of psychiatric drugs come to light. In the U.S., go direct to

There Are Many Other Ways To Help Out

Some of our Members might want to volunteer their time to help clean up the field of mental health in St. Louis, Missouri, and other midwestern areas. Ask us what volunteer activities are currently going on.

Visit VolunteerMatch to sign up as a CCHR St. Louis Volunteer.

Distribute CCHR fliers in public places.

Place CCHR booklets, pamphlets, fliers and DVDs in public libraries.

Contact police, attorneys general, prosecutors, and coroners to ensure that investigators check for the presence of psychiatric drugs in violent crimes.

Book CCHR spokespeople on radio and television talk and news shows, and for school, community and social events.

Go to your state capitol to speak with legislators about psychiatric violations of human rights.

Monitor your state legislature for psychiatric and mental health bills.

Become an official Human Rights Investigator and document cases of psychiatric fraud and abuse.

Check public records to find out what previous crimes a psychiatrist, psychologist or mental health facility has committed.

Sign our petitions.

Support our legislative campaigns.

Link to the CCHR STL website on your own sites.

Place CCHR ads and public service announcements in the media.

Pursue refunds for failed treatments. Seek legal advice about obtaining a refund for yourself or your insurance company for any payments made for psychiatric or psychological treatment that did not achieve the promised improvement of result.