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Are you upset or overwhelmed by this material?

This message is for those who may be feeling upset, angry, or otherwise overwhelmed by any of the material on this website, or in our blog or newsletters. The intention in presenting these materials is not at all to make anyone feel overwhelmed or upset. Our intention is to expose what has been hidden from the general public by various forces, to shine the light of truth on the psychiatric industry, and to restore human rights and dignity to the field of mental health.

Our intention is for you to be enraged by the pervasive abuse of human rights by the psychiatric mental health care industry and incite you to action. If you know of people who have been harmed by a psychiatrist or by a psychiatric facility, encourage them to file a complaint.

If you have information about a crime committed by a psychiatrist or a psychiatric facility, contact your local law enforcement agency immediately as well as filing a complaint.

There are clear reasons why this material can be upsetting or overwhelming.

Some people may become upset or angry to find how much they have been deceived.

An inability to confront evil leads people into disregarding it or discounting it or not seeing it at all. The lowest confront there is, is the confront of evil.

Whenever you find yourself slipping into fear, upset, anger or overwhelm with this material, remember that you now have an opportunity to find out, fight back, and Do Something About It!

Contact your friends, relatives and associates, encouraging them to explore this material and take appropriate action. Contact your school board, your church, and your local, state and federal representatives, encouraging them to take appropriate action.