Tag Archives: Withdrawal

The Hoax of Antidepressants

Over time, using antidepressants is not associated with significantly better health-related quality of life (HRQoL), compared to people with depression who do not take the drugs. These are the findings of a study published April 20, 2022 in the journal … Continue reading

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Mental Health Rights Policy To Prevent Patient Torture

Forced treatment is not proven to prevent violent practices. Continue reading

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Going On Hoping

FIND OUT! FIGHT BACK! Continue reading

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Covid-19 Get A Grip On It

Looking at the News the past several weeks, it seems like every single mental health facility, psychologist and psychiatrist in the country is advertising their services for people with anxiety about the Covid-19 pandemic. Overall, the number of Americans on … Continue reading

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Neuroleptic Discontinuation Syndrome

Big words, simple idea: Neuroleptic = Capable of affecting the brain; Having a tranquilizing effect; Tending to reduce nervous tension by depressing nerve functions; A condition prone to cause violent seizures. From Greek neuro-, nerve + leptis, seizure. Discontinuation = … Continue reading

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