Tag Archives: United Nations

Study Adds to Research Showing Involuntary Psychiatric Hospitalization Does More Harm Than Good

Involuntary hospitalization for substance abuse treatment is not effective. Continue reading

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New Study Tells Consumers the Truth of Potential Lethal Electroshock and Antidepressant Risks

Electroshocking Harms Mental Health Continue reading

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Mental Health Rights Policy To Prevent Patient Torture

Forced treatment is not proven to prevent violent practices. Continue reading

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Mental Health vs Mental Illness

Psychiatry’s power rests on force. Continue reading

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Something is Rotten in Canton

Disguising social control as medical treatment is a deceit which conceals an abuse. Continue reading

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Psychiatry is Not a Sustainable Industry

The claim that only increased funding will cure the problems of psychiatry has lost its ring of truth. Continue reading

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Eroding Justice—Psychiatry’s Corruption of Law

With each new failure to rehabilitate the criminally insane, psychiatry merely asks for more money since they are unable to cure anyone. Continue reading

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Psychiatrists: An Invasive Alien Species?

Psychiatric fraud and abuse must be eradicated. Continue reading

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How psychiatry Harms Marine Life

Oceans and marine life are susceptible to psychiatric drug contamination. Continue reading

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How psychiatry Usurps Climate Change Planning

The psycho-pharmaceutical industry has jumped full-time onto the climate change bandwagon. Continue reading

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