Tag Archives: Side Effects

Mothers’ Psychiatric Drug Use Increases Risk of Newborns Needing Urgent Medical Attention, New Research Finds

Expectant mothers considering psychiatric drugs should have the increased risks of premature birth and respiratory, circulatory, and feeding problems for their newborns fully disclosed to them by their prescribers. Continue reading

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CCHR Calls Attention to New Research Finding More Serious Risks to Elderly Dementia Patients from Antipsychotic Drugs

Citizens Commission on Human Rights calls for government action to make prescribers and caregivers of the elderly aware of the wider range of serious risks to dementia patients from antipsychotic drugs and to curtail the wrongful use of the drugs. Continue reading

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CCHR Applauds FDA Advisory Committee Rejection of Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy for Post-Traumatic Stress

Committee’s recommendation to reject as therapy the psychedelic drug MDMA, also known as the “date rape” drug Ecstasy, comes after evidence from clinical trials was deemed insufficient to establish safety or effectiveness. Continue reading

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Push for Use of Psychedelic Drugs as Mental Health Treatment Downplays Dangerous Risks, Citizens Commission on Human Rights Says in Protest

It is not known how psychedelic drugs are supposed to work as mental health treatment. Psychedelics carry the risks of devastating immediate and long-term harms, putting human lives and sanity at risk. Continue reading

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CCHR Commends Lawsuit Filed over FDA’s Failure to Act on Citizen Petition to Update Antidepressant Labeling for Persistent Sexual Problems

Research has long indicated that antidepressant users are at risk of serious sexual problems that may persist indefinitely, even after stopping the drugs. Citizens Commission on Human Rights says FDA needs to act now. Continue reading

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CCHR Calls Attention to New Reports on Risks of Antipsychotic Drugs, Including Loss of Self-Identity

How antipsychotic drugs are used is challenged by research reporting on the negative effect on patients’ sense of self and on the possibility of worse social functioning and quality of life from long-term use for some patients. Continue reading

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CCHR Issues Alert on Mortality Risk of Psychiatric Drugs After Researcher Estimates They Are Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

Hospital records and coroners’ reports often record deaths linked to prescription drugs as due to natural or unknown causes, rather than from the adverse effects of the drugs – especially psychiatric drug-related deaths, a leading researcher says. Continue reading

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CCHR Observes 25th Anniversary of Columbine Mass Shooting with Call for Government Investigation into Link Between Psychiatric Drugs and Violence

Mental health watchdog also calls for laws requiring toxicology testing for psychiatric drugs for perpetrators of mass shootings and other serious violent crimes so the full extent of the risk of violence from antidepressants can be known. Continue reading

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Mental Health Watchdog Protests U.S. Psychiatrists’ Use of Electroshock; Procedure Violates International Human Rights Standards When Forcibly Administered

Psychiatrists perform electroshock on patients, especially women and older people, despite risks of brain damage and permanent memory loss and no conclusive proof of effectiveness, experts say.  Even young children are electroshocked in the U.S. Continue reading

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CCHR’s Warnings of Potential Harms from ADHD Diagnosing and Treatment Supported by New Research

Evidence of benefit from ADHD diagnosis and treatment is uncertain, but the ADHD label itself, as well as the stimulant drugs that may be prescribed as treatment, can harm children, researchers find. Addressing behavior instead of diagnosing is advised. Continue reading

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