Tag Archives: restraints

Black History Month: African Americans Warned of Long History of Psychiatrists and Psychologists’ Racism and Its Legacy in Today’s Mental Health System

Scientific research shows Blacks are more likely than Whites to be labeled with a mental disorder related to disruptive, defiant, or psychotic behavior, to be involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility, and to be physically, mechanically, or chemically restrained, and for a longer time. Continue reading

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CCHR Renews Call for Ban on Restraint and Seclusion After New Report of School Districts Ignoring Reporting Requirements

The number of schoolchildren subjected to restraint or seclusion is unknown.  No federal law bans the practices, which are disproportionately used on disabled students and students of color and have resulted in children’s broken bones and death. Continue reading

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CCHR Renews Call for Laws to Prohibit Restraining Children with Drugs After Use in Psychiatric Facilities Rose 141%

Young, male, Black, and economically disadvantaged children were disproportionately restrained with antipsychotic drugs. Continue reading

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Under International Pressure, Psychiatrists Forced to Confront Ending Coercive Mental Health Practices

New evidence of the extent of and harm from involuntary mental health treatment emerges, as efforts continue to minimize or end the coercion. Continue reading

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CCHR Calls on Congress to Align U.S. with International Human Rights Standards and End Coercive Mental Health Treatment

Research indicates coercive practices negatively impact physical and mental health, often compounding a person’s existing condition. Continue reading

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CCHR Warns New Study Indicates Black Patients in Psychiatric Facilities More Likely to Be Restrained and For Longer

Researchers suggest the racial disparity may be evidence of systemic racism in psychiatry, call for measures to reduce the use of restraints. Continue reading

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Mental Health Rights Policy To Prevent Patient Torture

Forced treatment is not proven to prevent violent practices. Continue reading

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Putting Profit Above Children’s Lives

The Fight For Kids – “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” — Nelson Mandela Continue reading

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Child Psychiatric Treatment—Drugs, Solitary Confinement, Torture and Abuse

This is the Fight For Kids. Continue reading

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Order versus Disorder

Shades of Your High School Physics Class You may have encountered this word before — entropy. Stick with us, we’re going to make it simple. Basically, without getting all scientific about it, the word means “the degree of disorder or … Continue reading

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