Tag Archives: PTSD

Psychiatry Ecstatic About PTSD

The FDA just approved MDMA as a “breakthrough” drug for so-called PTSD and given the OK for clinical trials. The FDA says that the “Breakthrough Therapy” designation expedites the development of drugs intended to treat a serious condition where preliminary … Continue reading

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More About Marijuana and PTSD

More About Marijuana and PTSD  Recent news is full of articles about making marijuana legally available for those diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). While marijuana’s popularity may be based on the perception that it is safer than other methods … Continue reading

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Psychiatric Abuse of Veterans

Psychiatric Abuse of Veterans The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) has for many years lobbied for veterans rights, informed consent, and treatment alternatives to psychiatric medication of America’s military personnel. In keeping with its mandate to restore human rights … Continue reading

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Is Marijuana a Treatment for PTSD?

Is Marijuana a Treatment for PTSD? Marijuana’s popularity may be based on the perception that it is safer than other methods as a treatment for PTSD, but multiple studies show that marijuana is not the harmless drug many believe it … Continue reading

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Diagnosisgate: Conflict of Interest at the Top of the Psychiatric Apparatus

Diagnosisgate: Conflict of Interest at the Top of the Psychiatric Apparatus “Diagnosisgate” — It is probably the most stunning story of corruption in the history of the modern mental-health system. Mysteriously, it has been kept out of major media for … Continue reading

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Terrorism and Torture, Oh My!

Terrorism and Torture, Oh My! The United States government paid two military psychologists $80 million to develop torture tactics that were used against suspected terrorists in the wake of the September 11 attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade … Continue reading

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Ferguson Missouri Mental Health Tips

Ferguson Missouri Mental Health Tips It seems that nearly everyone – newspapers, radio, TV, bloggers, tweeters, facebookers – has been proclaiming about events in Ferguson, Missouri. Not to be left out, we thought we would find some way to relate … Continue reading

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The Truth About PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Pathologizing Tragedy and War to Sell Drugs So-called post-traumatic stress disorder emerged in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, when veterans were having difficulties overcoming the brutal events they had witnessed. Three American psychiatrists coined the … Continue reading

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Stress Our research leading to the recent newsletter on Marijuana turned up many references to “stress” — the relief of stress by smoking pot; the stress caused by not having access to pot; the tension caused by opposing points of … Continue reading

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Mary Jane comes to psychiatry

Mary Jane comes to psychiatry There has been a lot in the news recently about marijuana — “medical” marijuana, synthetic marijuana, legalizing marijuana, human interest stories about someone smoking marijuana, rants about the horrors of marijuana smoking — in short, … Continue reading

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