Tag Archives: psychology

Seriously, Is That Funny?

Seriously, Is That Funny? Continue reading

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High Anxiety

We recently watched the classic Mel Brooks movie “High Anxiety.” Besides the fact that it is absolutely hilarious, and relentlessly parodies psychiatry and psychiatrists, it also leads into a discussion of anxiety as popularized by psychiatry and psychology. The American … Continue reading

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Tikkun Olam – Repair the World

Dating from rabbinic teachings circa 200 CE, the Hebrew phrase Tikkun Olam means “repair the world,” where it expressed a concern with public policy and societal change. In a wider sense it means to do something with the world that will … Continue reading

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Psychiatry & Psychology Have Embraced the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Entrepreneur: One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise, often with an additional connotation of far-sightedness and innovation with boldness and energy. [French, from Old French, from entreprendre to undertake; entre- between  (from Latin: inter-) + … Continue reading

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Mental Health “Care” Coming to Your Community

News articles extolling “Community Mental Health” continue to be published across the United States and abroad. We thought you should know more about this. These articles generally discuss funding, either the lack or availability of public funding, for various mental … Continue reading

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The Russians Are Coming? No, They Never Left!

In 1966 the movie “The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!” dramatized the Cold War as a plot to make the world die laughing. We had to laugh about it, because the reality of Soviet infiltration to topple America … Continue reading

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The Loneliness Epidemic

A recent Scientific American has an extensive article about loneliness. [“Loneliness Can Be Toxic“, by Francine Russo, January 2018] Here are some relevant quotes from this article (plus our comments): “Loneliness is defined as perceived social isolation and the experience … Continue reading

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The Radical Permissiveness of Psychiatry

Permissiveness: Allowing or characterized by great or excessive freedom of behavior. A permissive person, society, or way of behaving allows or tolerates things of which other people disapprove. Apparently the quote “DO AS THOU WILT because men that are free, … Continue reading

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Holiday Stress

We see a lot of news articles cropping up warning about stress during holidays. Personally, we think a lot of it is motivated by some marketer’s bright idea, no doubt under the guidance of an “expert” psychologist or psychiatrist, about … Continue reading

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Psychs Poo-Poo Intelligence

A study published 8 October 2017 by three psychologists and a neuroscientist surveyed 3,715 members of American Mensa (persons whose IQ score is ostensibly within the upper 2% of the general population), who were asked to self-report diagnosed and/or suspected … Continue reading

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