Tag Archives: Psychiatric Drugs

Common Sense May Not Be All That Common

The True Basis For Common Sense Continue reading

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A Truly Great Library Contains Something To Offend Everyone

Offense and Offend, two related words of wide contemporary usage. Continue reading

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You’re Not Paranoid, It’s Really Happening

What is paranoia really? Continue reading

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Give Me Your Attention Please

An often unsuspected cause of attention issues is … Continue reading

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Depersonalization – Another Fake psychiatric Disorder

Psychotropic drugs evoke anĀ unbearable state of mind. Continue reading

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Psychiatry is Not a Sustainable Industry

The claim that only increased funding will cure the problems of psychiatry has lost its ring of truth. Continue reading

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Great Circle Child Abuse in Missouri

The psychiatric abuse of foster children is a growing concern. Continue reading

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Erectile dysfunction drug mistakenly packaged with antidepressant

We can think of some lewd suggestions. Continue reading

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Public Service Announcement — Psychiatry Kills!

You should know the chain of ownership that produced this NAMI PSA. Continue reading

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Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out, Psych Out

Psychedelics have no use in the mental health field. Continue reading

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