Tag Archives: Placebo

Brain Injury Awareness Month 

Brain injury can be caused by electric shock and seizures, two key elements of electroshock, a psychiatric procedure not proven safe or effective, some experts say. Patients may not be given enough information about electroshock risks to give true informed consent for the procedure. Continue reading

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CCHR Urges Doctors to Heed New Study Indicating Placebo Effect, Not Antidepressant, Improved Teens’ Depression

Teens guessing they were taking an antidepressant led to substantial improvement, while actual treatment with the drug did not, researchers found. Continue reading

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The Placebo Effect

Placebo: A substance containing no medication and prescribed or given to reinforce a patient’s expectation to get well [from the Latin word meaning “I shall please.”] Professor Irving Kirsch, Associate Director of the Program for Placebo Studies at Harvard Medical … Continue reading

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Placebo Games

Some use of placebos may have compromised clinical study results. Continue reading

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