Tag Archives: Military

The Hidden Enemy

Today, with militaries of the world awash in psychiatry and psychiatric drugs, 23 soldiers and veterans are committing suicide every day. Psychiatrists say we need more psychiatry. But should we trust them? Or is psychiatry the hidden enemy? Featuring interviews … Continue reading

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U.S. Military Mental Health Costs Skyrocket

U.S. Military Mental Health Costs Skyrocket [The following report is from NextGov.com, an information resource for federal technology decision makers, and the CRS report cited.] The Congressional Research Service (CRS) just put a price tag on the mental health costs … Continue reading

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Navy Yard Shooter on Psych Drugs

Navy Yard Shooter on Psych Drugs We now know that Aaron Alexis, the 34-year-old man accused of killing 12 people in a gun rampage at the Washington Navy Yard September 16, was taking psychiatric drugs known to cause violence and … Continue reading

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Bradley Manning under psychiatric treatment

Bradley Manning under psychiatric treatment Various news reports have been discussing 25-year-old former intelligence analyst Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, who was convicted of disclosing reams of classified information through WikiLeaks. Apparently Manning was receiving psychiatric treatment while he was deployed … Continue reading

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Army psychiatrist convicted of murder

Army psychiatrist convicted of murder A military jury on August 23 convicted Maj. Nidal Hasan in the deadly 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood, returning a unanimous verdict of premeditated murder that makes the Army psychiatrist eligible for the death … Continue reading

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Military’s Use of Powerful Psychiatric Drugs

FOX Special Report Series Military’s Use of Powerful Psychiatric Drugs Last month FOX National News released a three-part series on the drugging of our nation’s military, produced by award-winning investigative reporter Douglas Kennedy, and assisted by CCHR International. The first … Continue reading

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FOX Special Report: Drugging the American Soldier

FOX Special Report: Drugging the American Soldier—Military’s Reliance on Powerful Psych Drugs In an article released this past Memorial Day by Fox National News, investigative reporter Douglas Kennedy teams up with Dr. Peter Breggin and CCHR Human Rights Award Winner, … Continue reading

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Drugs, Wired Warriors and “Virtual” Insanity

Drugs, Wired Warriors and “Virtual” Insanity The mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights announces the last in a four-part series by award-winning investigative journalist Kelly Patricia O’Meara exploring how the nation’s military forces have been used as guinea … Continue reading

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The Military’s Billion-Dollar Pill Problem

A recent article in Men’s Journal magazine by Paul John Scott presents a vivid human interest story about the damage that psychiatric drugs are doing in the U.S. Military. “At a time when soldiers kill themselves in record numbers – … Continue reading

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Drugging our Troops

The Creation of Psychopharmaceutical’s Multi-Billion Dollar Market CCHR International announces the third in a four-part series by award-winning investigative journalist Kelly Patricia O’Meara exploring the epidemic of suicides and sudden deaths in the military and the skyrocketing use of psychiatric … Continue reading

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