Tag Archives: justice

Take Action – Missouri Legislature – Involuntary Commitment

Periodically we let you know the progress of various proposed legislation making its way through the Missouri General Assembly and suggest ways for you to contribute your viewpoint to your state Representative and state Senator. You can find your Representative … Continue reading

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Florida Court Rules Physician May Be Liable in Suicide

Florida’s Supreme Court ruled August 25, 2016 that a physician could be sued for medical malpractice in the case of a patient’s suicide. [Medscape Medical News, 2016-08-26] The victim was taking antidepressant psychiatric drugs. The Florida Supreme Court ruled that the … Continue reading

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The Greater Good

What are the limits that the State can do claiming “The Greater Good?” Strict scrutiny is a form of judicial review that courts use to determine the constitutionality of certain laws. To pass a strict scrutiny review, the legislature must have … Continue reading

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Who is the Predator Here?

Who is the Predator Here? We approach this topic with some trepidation, as there can be considerable fixed opinions regarding the topic of sex. We feel, however, that the news is relevant — and we’d like your permission to continue … Continue reading

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Sneaky Ways to Enforce Mental Health Care on Citizens

Sneaky Ways to Enforce Mental Health Care on Citizens We would like to discuss Missouri Senate Bills 331 & 21 [SS/SCS/SBs 331 & 21 – This act modifies and enacts provisions relating to law enforcement officers.] This act is mostly … Continue reading

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Human Rights Concerns with the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2015

Human Rights Concerns with the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2015 Congressional Rep. Tim Murphy (R., PA) originally introduced the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act (H.R.3717) in 2013. Not to be outdone by H.R.6 the 21st Century Cures … Continue reading

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Legislative Elimination of Harmful Psychiatric Practices

Legislative Elimination of Harmful Psychiatric Practices FLORIDA There is a law on the books in Florida that if enforced would end harmful psychiatric practices there. It makes illegal all unscientific, fraudulent and unproven healthcare treatments. [Florida Statutes 456.072 (1)(a)] “456.072?Grounds … Continue reading

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Criminalization of Mental Health Care

Prisons: America’s New Asylums Reference: “The Treatment of Persons with Mental Illness in Prisons and Jails: A State Survey”, 8 April 2014, Treatment Advocacy Center. Although the Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC) is motivated primarily by psychiatric treatment and psychiatric drugs, … Continue reading

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Johnson & Johnson Will Pay $2.2 Billion

Johnson & Johnson Will Pay $2.2 Billion to Settle Charges of Illegally Promoting Antipsychotic Drug This past month Johnson & Johnson agreed to pay more than $2.2 billion in fines to settle accusations that it improperly promoted the antipsychotic drug … Continue reading

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Bradley Manning under psychiatric treatment

Bradley Manning under psychiatric treatment Various news reports have been discussing 25-year-old former intelligence analyst Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, who was convicted of disclosing reams of classified information through WikiLeaks. Apparently Manning was receiving psychiatric treatment while he was deployed … Continue reading

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