Tag Archives: justice

Using Psychiatry to Punish A Federal Judge

Sixth Circuit Judicial Council Vacates Order Using Psychiatry to Punish A Federal Judge Who Pushed for Timely Justice in Social Security Benefits Cases Continue reading

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Lawsuit Alleging Missouri Family Court Corruption

Psychiatric Fraud in the Justice System Continue reading

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Eroding Justice—Psychiatry’s Corruption of Law

With each new failure to rehabilitate the criminally insane, psychiatry merely asks for more money since they are unable to cure anyone. Continue reading

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Here Come The Judgment

Judgment may be in short supply when under the influence of psychiatry. Continue reading

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Psychiatric Destruction of Justice

Once there was the idea that a person is responsible for his own actions; so how is it that we face the absurd situation of psychiatrists testifying to excuse the wrongdoers’ actions? Continue reading

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Mental Health, Social Justice and Education

  Social Justice: Fair and just relations between the individual and society, assigning rights and duties in the institutions of society, so that people receive basic societal benefits in return for their cooperation and participation.   In the Health Care … Continue reading

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Immigrant Children Forcibly Injected with Psychiatric Drugs

A lawsuit filed April 18, 2018 claims that children detained by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) are unlawfully, routinely and forcibly given multiple psychotropic drugs without … Continue reading

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Crime and Mental Distress

A recent news report suggests that “Having a mental illness makes people more vulnerable to becoming the victims of a crime.” We wondered about this, because it sounds just like the incessant and inane psychobabble coming out of the “psychology … Continue reading

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Psychiatry and Other Enterprises

Book Review Psychiatry and Other Enterprises Personal Experiences and Reflections after 57 Years in the Field of Psychiatry by Nelson Borelli, MD (Mill City Press, Inc., 2015) Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Northwestern University “Psychiatry as it stands now, a … Continue reading

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The Bogeyman is Coming to Get You

There is a tradition, especially in film, of a person with mental illness representing the boogeyman — or the reverse case of a boogeyman frightening a person into a traumatic mental state. A boogeyman (also spelled bogeyman) is a folk … Continue reading

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