Tag Archives: Informed Consent

CCHR Applauds California Supreme Court Decision Holding Electroshock Machine Manufacturer Liable for Brain Damage

Court concluded that company’s failure to fully disclose risks of electroshock to a physician meant that the patient also did not know the risks before undergoing the procedure, which resulted in brain damage. Citizens Commission on Human Rights warns device has never been proven safe. Continue reading

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CCHR Commends Lawsuit Filed over FDA’s Failure to Act on Citizen Petition to Update Antidepressant Labeling for Persistent Sexual Problems

Research has long indicated that antidepressant users are at risk of serious sexual problems that may persist indefinitely, even after stopping the drugs. Citizens Commission on Human Rights says FDA needs to act now. Continue reading

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CCHR Calls Attention to New Reports on Risks of Antipsychotic Drugs, Including Loss of Self-Identity

How antipsychotic drugs are used is challenged by research reporting on the negative effect on patients’ sense of self and on the possibility of worse social functioning and quality of life from long-term use for some patients. Continue reading

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CCHR Issues Alert on Mortality Risk of Psychiatric Drugs After Researcher Estimates They Are Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

Hospital records and coroners’ reports often record deaths linked to prescription drugs as due to natural or unknown causes, rather than from the adverse effects of the drugs – especially psychiatric drug-related deaths, a leading researcher says. Continue reading

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Brain Injury Awareness Month 

Brain injury can be caused by electric shock and seizures, two key elements of electroshock, a psychiatric procedure not proven safe or effective, some experts say. Patients may not be given enough information about electroshock risks to give true informed consent for the procedure. Continue reading

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Human Rights Group Renews Call for Laws to Ban Electroshock – A Procedure Never Proven Safe or Effective, Experts Say

Psychiatrists perform electroshock on depressed patients despite serious risks of brain damage and permanent memory loss. Continue reading

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World Health Organization Calls Involuntary Electroshock Treatment a Human Rights Abuse

New guidance from World Health Organization and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights also calls for laws banning electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for children. Continue reading

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Electroshock’s Serious Risks, Ineffectiveness Not Adequately Disclosed to Patients, Audit of Information Pamphlets Finds

Patients are not given enough information about the drawbacks of electroshock to give true informed consent for the procedure, researcher says. Continue reading

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Primary Care Doctors Advised Not to Prescribe Antidepressants to Patients on First Visit for Mild to Moderate Depression

Antidepressants have a limited efficacy and may have significant side effects. Continue reading

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Mental Health Rights Policy To Prevent Patient Torture

Forced treatment is not proven to prevent violent practices. Continue reading

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