Tag Archives: Human Rights

Study Adds to Research Showing Involuntary Psychiatric Hospitalization Does More Harm Than Good

Involuntary hospitalization for substance abuse treatment is not effective. Continue reading

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How to Cultivate Empathy

A prime example of creating unawareness is psychiatric drugs. Continue reading

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The Serotonin Theory Of Depression Is In The News Again

The serotonin theory of depression is not empirically substantiated. Continue reading

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Mental Health Rights Policy To Prevent Patient Torture

Forced treatment is not proven to prevent violent practices. Continue reading

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Epes Tut Zikh (Something Is Happening)

Psychiatry does not commit human rights abuse. It is a human rights abuse. Continue reading

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Psychiatry’s Dying Industry

Why Psychiatry Sees Itself as a Dying Industry Continue reading

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Something is Rotten in Canton

Disguising social control as medical treatmentĀ is a deceit which conceals an abuse. Continue reading

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What Exactly is Mental Health?

Good mental health is not a fixed state. Continue reading

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Psychiatrists: An Invasive Alien Species?

Psychiatric fraud and abuse must be eradicated. Continue reading

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How psychiatry Usurps Climate Change Planning

The psycho-pharmaceutical industry has jumped full-time onto the climate change bandwagon. Continue reading

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