Tag Archives: Fraud

File a Complaint about psychiatric Abuse Today

File a Complaint about psychiatric Abuse Today We are delighted to inform you that if you have experienced abuse by a psychiatrist, you can now file a complaint in any state in a few minutes. With thanks to PsychSearch.net, this … Continue reading

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Fake Article in Psych Research Journal

Fake Article in Psych Research Journal A Norwegian study that claims to have observed significant brain changes in mental patients who switched from so-called “first generation” antipsychotic drugs to second generation varieties has been retracted from the peer-reviewed journal BMC … Continue reading

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Nosology While not directly related to Schnozology, Nosology is still an interesting term. Nosology: The branch of medicine concerned with the classification of diseases. [from Greek nosos disease + Greek logos word] We caught the term being used in the … Continue reading

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Psychiatric Medicaid Fraud

Psychiatric Medicaid Fraud In an August 28, 2013 decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, the appeals judge held that psychiatrists commit Medicaid fraud when they submit Medicaid claims for off-label prescriptions for psychiatric drugs … Continue reading

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Your Federal Government at Work

Your Federal Government at Work Last June the President hosted the National Conference on Mental Health to talk about how to raise awareness of mental health issues and make it easier for everyone to get the mental health care “they … Continue reading

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Missouri State Department of Mental Health

Missouri State Department of Mental Health The budget keeps getting bigger, but the cures stay at zero Reports show that: * 10% to 25% of mental health practitioners sexually abuse patients. * Psychiatry has the worst fraud track record of … Continue reading

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Medicare Continuing our discussion of psychiatric fraud (see our recent newsletter on Medicaid), we highly recommend an excellent article on Medicare and Medicaid fraud by Chris Parker in the St. Louis Riverfront Times (RFT) (“Thieves’ Bazaar: Hospitals, doctors and dealers … Continue reading

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Exchange Many readers of this newsletter have provided support for CCHR St. Louis, either as volunteer helpers or as monetary donors; many have not. We wanted to provide a way for all our readers to easily exchange for receiving the … Continue reading

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Medicaid It’s in the news today, constantly. What is it, and what should we know about it? What’s all this talk about expanding state Medicaid? Medicaid is a state and federal partnership providing health coverage for people who qualify. Across … Continue reading

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Pill Mill Psychiatrist Disciplined

Effective February 1, 2013, the Medical Board of California placed psychiatrist Nathan Brian Kuemmerle on seven years’ probation, with an actual one year suspension beginning February 17, 2013. Kuemmerle, who formerly practiced in West Hollywood, was charged with operating a … Continue reading

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