Tag Archives: Fraud

Researchers press American Psychiatric Association to retract a study

Ed Silverman writes in StatNews: “More than a decade ago, a published study touted the benefits of using the Celexa antidepressant to treat children and teens. A recent analysis, however, alleged the study had numerous problems — notably, there was … Continue reading

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Ways to Reduce The Missouri Budget

The Insane Bloat of the Missouri Department of Mental Health Budget from 1971 to 2016 $2 Billion and Rapidly Rising The introduction and passage of legislation designed to curb psychiatric fraud and abuse can contribute to the reduction of the … Continue reading

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Legislative Elimination of Harmful Psychiatric Practices

Legislative Elimination of Harmful Psychiatric Practices FLORIDA There is a law on the books in Florida that if enforced would end harmful psychiatric practices there. It makes illegal all unscientific, fraudulent and unproven healthcare treatments. [Florida Statutes 456.072 (1)(a)] “456.072?Grounds … Continue reading

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Feds Pay for Drug Fraud

Feds Pay for Drug Fraud 92 Percent of Foster Care, Poor Kids Prescribed Antipsychotics Get Them for Unaccepted Uses This Huffington Post article on April 30, 2015 exposes the fact that poor and foster care kids covered by Medicaid are … Continue reading

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Migrant Children, a New Psychiatric Patient Pool?

Migrant Children, a New Psychiatric Patient Pool? While we hesitate to comment on the controversy surrounding the federal government’s amnesty program for illegal immigrants, we do see a potential effect of interest to the concerns of CCHR and those who … Continue reading

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Diagnosisgate: Conflict of Interest at the Top of the Psychiatric Apparatus

Diagnosisgate: Conflict of Interest at the Top of the Psychiatric Apparatus “Diagnosisgate” — It is probably the most stunning story of corruption in the history of the modern mental-health system. Mysteriously, it has been kept out of major media for … Continue reading

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The Accessibility of Care

The Accessibility of Care The political, financial and medical worlds rank the mental health of the nation’s citizens based on their access to “mental health care”, not on the actual state of their mental health nor on the outcomes of … Continue reading

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Parents can get refunds for some anti-depressant drugs given to kids

Parents can get refunds for some anti-depressant drugs given to kids St. Louis Post-Dispatch, July 5, 2014 by Blythe Bernhard “Thousands of Missouri parents are entitled to refunds for antidepressants prescribed to children because the drugs were unapproved for use … Continue reading

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Ways to Reduce the Missouri Budget

The Insane Bloat of the Missouri Department of Mental Health Budget from 1971 to 2014 – almost $2 Billion and Rapidly Rising The introduction and passage of legislation designed to curb psychiatric fraud and abuse can contribute to the reduction … Continue reading

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PowerShares Dynamic Pharmaceuticals

PowerShares Dynamic Pharmaceuticals (PJP) This graph shows the price per share over the last few years for an investment fund based on the common stocks of 30 U.S. pharmaceuticals companies. (Top 10 holdings: Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Merck, Amgen, Eli … Continue reading

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