Tag Archives: Fraud

Mental Health Watchdog Protests U.S. Psychiatrists’ Use of Electroshock; Procedure Violates International Human Rights Standards When Forcibly Administered

Psychiatrists perform electroshock on patients, especially women and older people, despite risks of brain damage and permanent memory loss and no conclusive proof of effectiveness, experts say.  Even young children are electroshocked in the U.S. Continue reading

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What Is Your Emotional Intelligence?

The over-complication of an essentially simple concept leads to endless speculation. Continue reading

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Fraud in the Psychiatric Industry

Greater oversight and stronger penalties for violations are needed to curb psychiatric fraud. Continue reading

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Take Action – Missouri Legislature

Psychiatry’s Attack on 1st Responders Continue reading

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Take Action – Missouri Legislature

We Urge You To Contact Your Missouri Legislators To Express Your Own Viewpoints. Continue reading

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Chesterfield Psychiatrist Admits Health Care Fraud

Criminal Fraud is rampant in the psychiatric industry. Continue reading

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Doctor Pleads Guilty to Mental Health Care Fraud

Experience has shown that there are many criminal mental health practitioners. Continue reading

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More About the ADHD Hoax

ADHD does not cause attention problems. Continue reading

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Intuition – Your Friend or Foe?

Lately there has been an abundance of social media postings about intuition or gut feelings. Continue reading

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The High Number Of Suicides After Electroshock

There is no evidence that ECT decreases the risk of suicide. Continue reading

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