Tag Archives: FDA

Human Rights Group Renews Call for Laws to Ban Electroshock – A Procedure Never Proven Safe or Effective, Experts Say

Psychiatrists perform electroshock on depressed patients despite serious risks of brain damage and permanent memory loss. Continue reading

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CCHR’s Warnings of Potential Harms from ADHD Diagnosing and Treatment Supported by New Research

Evidence of benefit from ADHD diagnosis and treatment is uncertain, but the ADHD label itself, as well as the stimulant drugs that may be prescribed as treatment, can harm children, researchers find. Addressing behavior instead of diagnosing is advised. Continue reading

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CCHR Says FDA Must Correct Widespread Misinformation: Antidepressant Withdrawal Symptoms Are Not Short and Mild for Many Patients

Recent research and antidepressant users’ lived experience show that antidepressant withdrawal symptoms may be severe and long-lasting. Patients and their prescribers need accurate information on withdrawal risks and tapering guidance from the FDA. Continue reading

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Benzodiazepine Use Linked to Miscarriage; Stopping the Drugs After Long-Term Use Increased Risk of Fatality, New Research Finds

Mental health watchdog CCHR presses for DEA reclassification of benzodiazepines due to risks of physical dependency and addiction. Continue reading

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Despite Claims of Safety, Electroshock Caused Memory Loss in Majority of Teens in New Study, CCHR Warns

Researcher says study failed to show the safety or efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy. Continue reading

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Heart Disease Risk Increases the Longer ADHD Drugs are Taken, Study Finds

Researchers advise prescribers to keep monitoring patients on ADHD drugs for symptoms of heart disease. Continue reading

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World Health Organization Calls Involuntary Electroshock Treatment a Human Rights Abuse

New guidance from World Health Organization and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights also calls for laws banning electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for children. Continue reading

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Antipsychotics Overprescribed to Seniors with Dementia in Home Health Care, Despite Serious Risks, Study Indicates

Antipsychotic use by elderly with dementia was also linked to worse outcomes in performing their activities of daily living after home health care ended. Continue reading

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ADHD Drugs Do Not Enhance Performance, Worsen Cognitive Ability in Some People, Study Indicates

High potential for abuse and overdose of prescription stimulants prompts U.S. Food and Drug Administration to research alternative treatments. Continue reading

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Foster Children Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs At Four Times the Rate of Non-Foster Children, New Study Finds

Previous government recommendations for improved oversight of psychotropics in foster care have not resolved the overdrugging problem. Continue reading

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