Tag Archives: ECT

Task Force Against Racism & Modern Day Eugenics

Rampant abuse of African Americans within the mental health industry continues to this day. Continue reading

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Magnetic Seizure Therapy – How Unattractive!

Fry your brain with magnetic seizure therapy! Continue reading

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Public Service Announcement — Psychiatry Kills!

You should know the chain of ownership that produced this NAMI PSA. Continue reading

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Child Psychiatric Treatment—Drugs, Solitary Confinement, Torture and Abuse

This is the Fight For Kids. Continue reading

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Are You Certain About That?

Psychiatry as currently practiced does not and never can cause an improvement in mental health. Continue reading

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Here’s an Idea – Let’s Electroshock Children Who Misbehave

The FDA has finally decided to BAN electric shock devices on children. Continue reading

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Take Action – Missouri Legislature

Periodically we let you know the progress of various proposed legislation making its way through the Missouri General Assembly and suggest ways for you to contribute your viewpoint to your state Representative and state Senator. The Missouri General Assembly is … Continue reading

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Therapy or Torture? The Truth about Electroshock

A Documentary that will Shock the World. Continue reading

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AN HOUR AND TWENTY-TWO MINUTES OF IT. Shocking! “Therapy or Torture” The Truth About Electroshock documentary is premiering November 23rd, 2019. Watch the trailer now then scroll down to “Raise Your Voice” to sign the petition to Ban ECT! https://www.cchr.org/ban-ect/

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FDA Reclassification of Electroconvulsive Therapy Devices

Here are some facts about ECT which the FDA does not want you to know. Continue reading

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