Tag Archives: ECT

Despite Claims of Safety, Electroshock Caused Memory Loss in Majority of Teens in New Study, CCHR Warns

Researcher says study failed to show the safety or efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy. Continue reading

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CCHR Calls on Congress to Align U.S. with International Human Rights Standards and End Coercive Mental Health Treatment

Research indicates coercive practices negatively impact physical and mental health, often compounding a person’s existing condition. Continue reading

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World Health Organization Calls Involuntary Electroshock Treatment a Human Rights Abuse

New guidance from World Health Organization and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights also calls for laws banning electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for children. Continue reading

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Electroshock’s Serious Risks, Ineffectiveness Not Adequately Disclosed to Patients, Audit of Information Pamphlets Finds

Patients are not given enough information about the drawbacks of electroshock to give true informed consent for the procedure, researcher says. Continue reading

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More About Shock Therapy

The barbaric and shameful psychiatric use of shock treatments unfortunately has a lengthy history. By shock we mean such atrocities as electrotherapy (various methods of shocking body parts with electricity), temperature therapy (shocking with hot or cold temperatures), insulin shock … Continue reading

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Treatment Resistant Depression is Apparently a Thing

Psychiatric drugs mask the real cause of problems in life and debilitate the individual. Continue reading

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The Prediction of Violence

The Importance of Prediction Continue reading

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The High Number Of Suicides After Electroshock

There is no evidence that ECT decreases the risk of suicide. Continue reading

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Italian Police Arrested 18 For Allegedly Brainwashing and Selling Children

ECT, a brutal, brain-destroying criminal act. Continue reading

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Hallelujah! Keep the Faith

The opposite of faith is distrust. Continue reading

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