Tag Archives: Depression

Mothers’ Psychiatric Drug Use Increases Risk of Newborns Needing Urgent Medical Attention, New Research Finds

Expectant mothers considering psychiatric drugs should have the increased risks of premature birth and respiratory, circulatory, and feeding problems for their newborns fully disclosed to them by their prescribers. Continue reading

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Citizens Commission on Human Rights Calls for Congressional Investigation into Psychiatric In-Patient Treatment

Study Finds Suicide Risk High after Hospitalization for Depression or Attempted Suicide. Continue reading

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CCHR Urges Doctors to Heed New Study Indicating Placebo Effect, Not Antidepressant, Improved Teens’ Depression

Teens guessing they were taking an antidepressant led to substantial improvement, while actual treatment with the drug did not, researchers found. Continue reading

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Holiday Blues? Research Finds Alternatives That Avoid Questionable Benefit and Known Side Effects of Antidepressants

Research validates the effectiveness of trusted social connections, exercise, proper diet, enough sleep and other non-drug approaches for handling depression. Continue reading

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Antidepressants Increase Risk of Suicidal Behavior in Children and Young Adults, Don’t Reduce Risk in Adults, Study Says

Other recent research has found antidepressants double the risk of suicidal thoughts and actions in adults. Continue reading

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No Clear Benefit, But Serious Side Effects Common for Older People Taking Antidepressants, Study Finds

Adverse effects from taking antidepressants are more common and serious for the elderly because they have more fragile health and take more medications. Continue reading

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Half of Depressed, Anxious Teens Recover Without Mental Health Treatment, Study Finds

Research indicates the resilience of adolescents is effective and can avoid the ineffectiveness, harms and costs of pharmacological and psychological treatments. Continue reading

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New Study Finds Troubling Mental and Physical Side Effects Are Main Reason Patients Stop Taking Antidepressants

Negative effects of antidepressants are disturbing. Continue reading

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Psychiatrists at Annual Conference Warned That Antidepressants They Prescribe Can Deaden Patients’ Emotions

New study confirms patients’ common complaints of antidepressants deadening their emotions and harming their sex life. Continue reading

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Primary Care Doctors Advised Not to Prescribe Antidepressants to Patients on First Visit for Mild to Moderate Depression

Antidepressants have a limited efficacy and may have significant side effects. Continue reading

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