Tag Archives: Cures

The Prediction of Violence

The Importance of Prediction Continue reading

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Scientists are testing a psychiatric treatment for broken heart syndrome

Psychiatry cannot cure mental problems. Continue reading

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If You’ve Got It, Flaunt It!

Humanitarian alternatives to harmful psychiatric options. Continue reading

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Psychiatrists Redefine “Recovery”

All psychiatric treatments are dangerous. Continue reading

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What Exactly is Mental Health?

Good mental health is not a fixed state. Continue reading

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Psychiatry is Not a Sustainable Industry

The claim that only increased funding will cure the problems of psychiatry has lost its ring of truth. Continue reading

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Psychiatric Intention — Failure is Not an Accident

Psychiatry is not intended to cure anything. Continue reading

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The psychiatric Rush to Market

The psychiatric industry itself admits it has no capacity to cure. Continue reading

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Power to the Patients

Disguising social control as medical treatment is a deceit which conceals an abuse. Continue reading

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Supporting and Treating Officers In Crisis Act of 2019

By their own admission psychiatrists cannot predict or cure violence or suicide. Continue reading

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