Tag Archives: Child Drugging

Citizens Commission on Human Rights Calls for Congressional Investigation into Psychiatric In-Patient Treatment

Study Finds Suicide Risk High after Hospitalization for Depression or Attempted Suicide. Continue reading

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CCHR’s Warnings of Potential Harms from ADHD Diagnosing and Treatment Supported by New Research

Evidence of benefit from ADHD diagnosis and treatment is uncertain, but the ADHD label itself, as well as the stimulant drugs that may be prescribed as treatment, can harm children, researchers find. Addressing behavior instead of diagnosing is advised. Continue reading

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CCHR Renews Call for Laws to Prohibit Restraining Children with Drugs After Use in Psychiatric Facilities Rose 141%

Young, male, Black, and economically disadvantaged children were disproportionately restrained with antipsychotic drugs. Continue reading

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Heart Disease Risk Increases the Longer ADHD Drugs are Taken, Study Finds

Researchers advise prescribers to keep monitoring patients on ADHD drugs for symptoms of heart disease. Continue reading

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One in Four Youth in US Child Welfare System Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs, Three Times the Rate for Others, Government Says

Study is latest to find that children traumatized by removal from their families and homes are prescribed powerful psychotropic drugs at high rates. Continue reading

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Foster Children Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs At Four Times the Rate of Non-Foster Children, New Study Finds

Previous government recommendations for improved oversight of psychotropics in foster care have not resolved the overdrugging problem. Continue reading

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Antidepressants Increase Risk of Suicidal Behavior in Children and Young Adults, Don’t Reduce Risk in Adults, Study Says

Other recent research has found antidepressants double the risk of suicidal thoughts and actions in adults. Continue reading

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White Paper on Improving Psychiatric Patient Outcomes

Psychiatric incarceration and psychiatric drugging of children is tragic and should be stopped. Continue reading

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Emergency Room Visits for Children’s Mental Health Fails to Help

Stop psychiatric drugging of kids. Continue reading

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Obedience Pills: ADHD and the Medicalization of Childhood

Teaching the diagnosed they are not responsible for their behavior. Continue reading

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