Tag Archives: CCHR

CCHR Relaunching Campaign to Ban Use of Electrical Shocking Devices on Students, After Massachusetts Lawmakers Fail to Pass Bill

Citizens Commission on Human Rights New England is relaunching its campaign to prohibit the use of devices that the FDA has recently proposed to ban after citing physical and psychological harm to those receiving electrical shocks from the devices. Continue reading

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Black History Month: African Americans Warned of Long History of Psychiatrists and Psychologists’ Racism and Its Legacy in Today’s Mental Health System

Scientific research shows Blacks are more likely than Whites to be labeled with a mental disorder related to disruptive, defiant, or psychotic behavior, to be involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility, and to be physically, mechanically, or chemically restrained, and for a longer time. Continue reading

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CCHR Warns New Study Indicates Black Patients in Psychiatric Facilities More Likely to Be Restrained and For Longer

Researchers suggest the racial disparity may be evidence of systemic racism in psychiatry, call for measures to reduce the use of restraints. Continue reading

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Failure – The New Psychiatric Success

There is a whole psychological / psychiatric area of interest which we will call “The Embrace Failure” field. Continue reading

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Study Adds to Research Showing Involuntary Psychiatric Hospitalization Does More Harm Than Good

Involuntary hospitalization for substance abuse treatment is not effective. Continue reading

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Devastating Movement Disorders Caused by Antipsychotic Drugs Not Listed for Discussion at Psychiatrists’ Annual Meeting

Tardive dyskinesia refers to the drug-induced, involuntary muscle movements that can develop over time from taking antipsychotic drugs. Continue reading

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Many Common Psychiatric Drugs Can Increase Patients’ Risk of Heat-Related Illness

How many people taking psychiatric drugs end up with heat-related medical emergencies? Continue reading

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Psychiatrists at Annual Conference Warned That Antidepressants They Prescribe Can Deaden Patients’ Emotions

New study confirms patients’ common complaints of antidepressants deadening their emotions and harming their sex life. Continue reading

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Primary Care Doctors Advised Not to Prescribe Antidepressants to Patients on First Visit for Mild to Moderate Depression

Antidepressants have a limited efficacy and may have significant side effects. Continue reading

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What Is “Normal Behavior?”

What is a “vested interest?” Continue reading

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