Tag Archives: alternatives

Patients For Life

A leading cause of death in patients diagnosed with a serious mental condition (such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression) has been preventable medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes, metabolic disorders which are typical side effects of … Continue reading

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The Loneliness Epidemic

A recent Scientific American has an extensive article about loneliness. [“Loneliness Can Be Toxic“, by Francine Russo, January 2018] Here are some relevant quotes from this article (plus our comments): “Loneliness is defined as perceived social isolation and the experience … Continue reading

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What is Happiness?

If you want happiness for an hour — take a nap. If you want happiness for a day — go fishing. If you want happiness for a year — inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime — … Continue reading

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Are You Depressed?

The sudden realization that someone might actually enjoy one’s company is a better antidepressant than anything one could get on a prescription. [With thanks to Charles Stross, The Atrocity Archive.] Psychiatry is heavily pushing false data about depression. You should … Continue reading

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Psychiatry and Other Enterprises

Book Review Psychiatry and Other Enterprises Personal Experiences and Reflections after 57 Years in the Field of Psychiatry by Nelson Borelli, MD (Mill City Press, Inc., 2015) Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Northwestern University “Psychiatry as it stands now, a … Continue reading

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Patients With Mental Disorders Get Half Of All Opioid Prescriptions

A June 26, 2017 article on Kaiser Health News by Vickie Connor presents the information that, “Adults with a mental illness receive more than 50 percent of the 115 million opioid prescriptions in the United States annually.” Not surprisingly, it … Continue reading

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Path to Restoring Lives

Independence Center (IC) is a St. Louis nonprofit organization which “helps adults with mental illness access services to live and work in the community, independently and with dignity.” It is a mechanism to help end homelessness. IC had revenue over … Continue reading

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1 in 5 Mentally Ill? Don’t Believe It!

False information published by the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration claims that “19.9 percent of American adults in the United States (45.1 million) have experienced mental illness over the past year.” In fact, statistics provided on the … Continue reading

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Risky Business of Sleep Drugs

Risky Business of Sleep Drugs After reading about the dangers of sleeping pills in the February 2016 edition of Consumer Reports magazine, we thought you might like to know something about that. Some psychotropic drugs are prescribed as sleeping pills. Trazodone, … Continue reading

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The Cure Conundrum

The Cure Conundrum We often say that psychiatry produces no cures, and for good reason. There is a lot of history behind the concept of “cure;” we’d like to touch on a small piece of that. The psychiatric industry itself … Continue reading

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