Category Archives: Press Releases

CCHR STL Press Releases

CCHR Issues Alert on Mortality Risk of Psychiatric Drugs After Researcher Estimates They Are Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

Hospital records and coroners’ reports often record deaths linked to prescription drugs as due to natural or unknown causes, rather than from the adverse effects of the drugs – especially psychiatric drug-related deaths, a leading researcher says. Continue reading

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CCHR Observes 25th Anniversary of Columbine Mass Shooting with Call for Government Investigation into Link Between Psychiatric Drugs and Violence

Mental health watchdog also calls for laws requiring toxicology testing for psychiatric drugs for perpetrators of mass shootings and other serious violent crimes so the full extent of the risk of violence from antidepressants can be known. Continue reading

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CCHR Relaunching Campaign to Ban Use of Electrical Shocking Devices on Students, After Massachusetts Lawmakers Fail to Pass Bill

Citizens Commission on Human Rights New England is relaunching its campaign to prohibit the use of devices that the FDA has recently proposed to ban after citing physical and psychological harm to those receiving electrical shocks from the devices. Continue reading

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Unlocking Work-Life Harmony: Strategies for Balance & Success

The one thing common to all methods of handling or eliminating stress. Continue reading

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Brain Injury Awareness Month 

Brain injury can be caused by electric shock and seizures, two key elements of electroshock, a psychiatric procedure not proven safe or effective, some experts say. Patients may not be given enough information about electroshock risks to give true informed consent for the procedure. Continue reading

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Citizens Commission on Human Rights Calls for Congressional Investigation into Psychiatric In-Patient Treatment

Study Finds Suicide Risk High after Hospitalization for Depression or Attempted Suicide. Continue reading

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Take Action – Missouri Legislature – Please contact your state legislators

Psychiatry’s Continued Attacks on Missouri Citizens Continue reading

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Mental Health Watchdog Protests U.S. Psychiatrists’ Use of Electroshock; Procedure Violates International Human Rights Standards When Forcibly Administered

Psychiatrists perform electroshock on patients, especially women and older people, despite risks of brain damage and permanent memory loss and no conclusive proof of effectiveness, experts say.  Even young children are electroshocked in the U.S. Continue reading

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Human Rights Group Renews Call for Laws to Ban Electroshock – A Procedure Never Proven Safe or Effective, Experts Say

Psychiatrists perform electroshock on depressed patients despite serious risks of brain damage and permanent memory loss. Continue reading

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CCHR’s Warnings of Potential Harms from ADHD Diagnosing and Treatment Supported by New Research

Evidence of benefit from ADHD diagnosis and treatment is uncertain, but the ADHD label itself, as well as the stimulant drugs that may be prescribed as treatment, can harm children, researchers find. Addressing behavior instead of diagnosing is advised. Continue reading

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