Category Archives: Big Muddy River Newsletter

CCHR Calls Out Psychiatric Association’s Nondisclosure of Conflicts of Interest Among Psychiatrists Who Revised “Psychiatric Bible”

Citizens Commission on Human Rights says American Psychiatric Association’s unwillingness to provide full disclosure of pharmaceutical companies’ payments to psychiatrists involved in developing the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders prevented public scrutiny of industry influence. Continue reading

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Benzodiazepine Use Linked to Miscarriage; Stopping the Drugs After Long-Term Use Increased Risk of Fatality, New Research Finds

Mental health watchdog CCHR presses for DEA reclassification of benzodiazepines due to risks of physical dependency and addiction. Continue reading

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CCHR Urges Doctors to Heed New Study Indicating Placebo Effect, Not Antidepressant, Improved Teens’ Depression

Teens guessing they were taking an antidepressant led to substantial improvement, while actual treatment with the drug did not, researchers found. Continue reading

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CCHR Renews Call for Laws to Prohibit Restraining Children with Drugs After Use in Psychiatric Facilities Rose 141%

Young, male, Black, and economically disadvantaged children were disproportionately restrained with antipsychotic drugs. Continue reading

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Holiday Blues? Research Finds Alternatives That Avoid Questionable Benefit and Known Side Effects of Antidepressants

Research validates the effectiveness of trusted social connections, exercise, proper diet, enough sleep and other non-drug approaches for handling depression. Continue reading

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Under International Pressure, Psychiatrists Forced to Confront Ending Coercive Mental Health Practices

New evidence of the extent of and harm from involuntary mental health treatment emerges, as efforts continue to minimize or end the coercion. Continue reading

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Despite Claims of Safety, Electroshock Caused Memory Loss in Majority of Teens in New Study, CCHR Warns

Researcher says study failed to show the safety or efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy. Continue reading

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Heart Disease Risk Increases the Longer ADHD Drugs are Taken, Study Finds

Researchers advise prescribers to keep monitoring patients on ADHD drugs for symptoms of heart disease. Continue reading

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CCHR Calls on Congress to Align U.S. with International Human Rights Standards and End Coercive Mental Health Treatment

Research indicates coercive practices negatively impact physical and mental health, often compounding a person’s existing condition. Continue reading

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Psychiatric Diagnoses, Treatment with Psychiatric Drugs Linked to Worse Socioeconomic Outcomes for Patients, Study Finds

Psychiatric diagnoses and drugs were linked to lower income, increased unemployment, greater likelihood of being single and living alone. Continue reading

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