Failure – The New Psychiatric Success

There is a whole psychological / psychiatric area of interest which we will call “The Embrace Failure” field.

The premise is that one should embrace failure to learn from it.

Unfortunately, this is the exact opposite of what one should be doing. It is typical of psychiatry and psychology that they emphasize what will make a person worse instead of better. This technique keeps a person as a patient in the mental health industry, instead of actually curing them so they return fully sane and functioning well into society.

In this universe whatever is validated becomes more prominent, more important, and more solid. This stems from the natural law that anything which a person believes is important is solid or big. The more important a person believes something to be, the more solid he is liable to make it.

Thus the psychiatric practice of putting one’s attention onto one’s failures grants those failures importance and solidity, causing them to hang around instead of vanish.

It is certainly OK to effectively address failures with workable techniques to take responsibility for them. However, the fact is that the psychiatric and psychological practice of embracing failures is not workable, grants them importance, and makes them more solid, instead of actually taking responsibility for them.

The correct practice is to bit by bit increase one’s Knowledge, Responsibility and Control over an area of life, ignoring the losses and making the wins firm, to discover more power and command of life.

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights not only exposes human rights violations in the field of mental health, but actively works alongside individuals and groups the world over to bring about much needed reform. You can help by increasing your Knowledge about the psychiatric abuse of human rights, taking some Responsibility for carrying on this vital work, and thus bringing about more Control over psychiatric fraud and abuse. Here are a few things you can do:

1. Distribute CCHR documentary videos and publications.
2. Teach your associates the truth about the dangers of psychiatric drugs.
3. Report any psychiatric mental health abuse.
4. Participate online by joining our social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter).

5. Encourage your associates to subscribe to this newsletter.
6. Monitor and report on mental health legislation in your state legislature.
7. Donate to your local CCHR Chapter.

Let us know your area of interest and we will show you how to get started.

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