Psychiatric Intention — Failure is Not an Accident

Even a dog distinguishes between being stumbled over and being kicked.

It’s called INTENT.

One definition of intention is positive postulation. It’s a self-determined causation, action, resolve, outcome or consideration. Whatever it is, it is done on purpose.

[Ultimately from Latin intendere “intend, extend, direct”, from in- “towards” + tendere “stretch, tend” — for example “to stretch out for, or aim at”].

Failure can be defined as a reversal of an intention. For example, one intends to hit the wall and does not hit the wall, or one intends not to hit the wall and does hit the wall. These are failures. The intention was reversed in action.

Psychiatric Intention — Failure is Not an Accident

Let’s examine the Intent of the psychiatric industry. It’s something you need to know.

It is not well-known that psychiatry, as taught in schools and funded by governments, is not intended to cure anything. Historically the idea that a science could be developed to control populations sprang up after the French Revolution of the late 1700’s, to counter the popular demand of liberty. At Leipzig University in the late 1800’s Wundt advanced the idea that nerve conditioning could be done to control people. In Russia between 1890 and 1930 Pavlov conceived the idea that men’s social responses could be altered with conditioning. Using the same principles in the 1930’s and 40’s German psychiatrists extended “conditioning” to mean outright murder of dissenters.

The pattern has been invariable. Totalitarian principles are now called “psychology,” “sociology” and “psychiatry.” This half-witted dream to control society has slaughtered more than a hundred million people.

The purported “intention” of psychiatry to treat mental illness is a failure. As psychiatrist Rex Cowdry, the acting director of the National Institute of Mental Health, said of “mental illness” in 1995, “We do not know the causes. We don’t have methods of ‘curing’ these illnesses yet.”

The goal of psychiatry was reached at least in 1955. With the advent of LSD as a “treatment” it could now make anyone insane. And now we see the actual goal of psychiatry, which has not been a failure, is to control populations for their own ends.

Psychiatrists and their front groups operate straight out of the terrorist text books. The 1920’s Russian Revolutionary Communistic plan for world domination as originally conceived used psychiatry as a weapon designed to undermine the social fabric of the target country. One can see it in constant use in present time.

Psychiatry’s brutal and barbaric treatments succeed not only in controlling their patients, but actually result in harming their patients — Involuntary Commitment, Electro-Convulsive Therapy, Psychosurgery, Deadly Restraints, psychiatric Rape, harmful and addictive psychotropic drugs, etc.

Protect yourself and your families by executing a Living Will. A Living Will lets you specify decisions about your health care treatment in advance. Should you be in a position where you are to be subject to unwanted psychiatric hospitalization and/or mental or medical treatment, this Letter of Protection from Psychiatric Incarceration and/or Treatment directs that such incarceration, hospitalization, treatment or procedures not be imposed, committed or used on you.

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

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