Psychiatry Cashing In On COVID-19

Daily, we see the news that people’s “mental health” is suffering because of the restrictions and fears of COVID-19, not unrealistic given the staggering changes to their lives. But CCHR  is tracking how psychiatrists and psychologists are turning this natural response into a global mental disorder that will line their pockets from the funds they are demanding to “treat” it.
As CCHR has found, those marketing a “mental health crisis” are often steeped in conflicts of interest with psychiatric drug manufacturers.

An explosive article in Psychology Today just broke detailing how nearly every medical website and resource on antidepressant drug side effects have hugely downplayed the drugs’ risks, and warning of the potential excessive prescribing of antidepressants due to COVID-related stress, despite it being “wrong to view our natural fears as mental health disorders.”

All this, while a local St. Louis psychiatrist just launched a clinical trial “repurposing” an antidepressant to treat people diagnosed with COVID-19 (purportedly for health, not mental health reasons). The same antidepressant was prescribed to one of the most infamous school shooters in history and is documented to induce suicide and violence.

There’s also been an upsurge in demands for research into psychedelic drugs like LSD and psilocybin (magic mushrooms) to become a replacement antidepressant, as the pandemic take its toll. Apparently enough time has passed that the public has forgotten what happened when psychedelics gained notoriety in the 1960s, when LSD pushed by psychiatrists spread into society as a recreational drug and started destroying lives with induced psychosis. Here again we see psychiatry, with its long history of harmful drug pushing, justifying and promoting the latest in a long line of such harmful, addictive and psychedelic drugs.

With many Americans facing unsettling times, the psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry is setting its sights on getting more drugs prescribed and more profit, while continuing to create patients-for-life due to the harmful drug side effects.

Here are some things you can do to take action against this now.
psychiatry Creating Customers Not Cures
psychiatry Creating Customers Not Cures

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