CCHR STL Volunteers Needed for 2020 Events

Citizens Commission on Human Rights of St. Louis 
Volunteers Needed

Missouri State Capitol Building
Jefferson City, MO
Tuesday & Wednesday, February 4 and 5, 2020
8 am to 6 pm

Help inform our legislators about CCHR Issues.
Distribute DVD’s to legislative offices and man our table passing out CCHR materials. Hatting is included.
Help out one or both days.

St. Charles, MO Convention Center
Working Women’s Survival Show
Friday, Saturday, Sunday – February 21-23, 2020

Get CCHR materials out in volume to the public.
Man our booth at the show. Pass out materials, get petition signatures and talk to the public. 
Also Needed: Thurs. Feb 20 – a team of 2 to set up the booth. At your convenience between 8 AM and 10 PM.

Email CCHRSTL@CCHRSTL.ORG with your interest in helping out!
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