Shocking New Psychiatric Abuse – Deep Brain Stimulation

Would you let a psychiatrist poke wires directly into your brain and turn on the current?

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a process where electrical shocks are delivered directly into the brain by wires inserted into holes bored into the skull.

The psychiatrists conducting research on DBS say that this “reflects a move away from the long-held view that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.”

In other words, some psychiatrists are now admitting that the chemical imbalance theory is bogus, and they are desperately trying to find other treatments, because too many people are now wise to the chemical imbalance fraud.

Unfortunately, DBS is just another harmful fraud, because “it’s unclear whether the stimulation can produce long-lasting changes,” and “Despite the widespread use of DBS in clinical and research applications, the mechanisms by which focal brain stimulation modulates network activity to produce complex behavioral changes remain largely unknown.”

In response to this alarming and abusive “therapy” the Citizens Commission of Human Rights calls for victims to report abuse suffered during this or any other psychiatric treatment.

No one denies that people can have difficult problems in their lives, that at times they can be mentally unstable. Unfortunately, not only do psychiatrists not understand the etiology (cause) of any mental disorder, they cannot cure them. In effect, psychiatrists are still saying that mental problems are incurable and that the afflicted are condemned to lifelong suffering.

Psychiatric treatments such as DBS, however, are unworkable and dangerous, and while they may temporarily mask some symptoms they do not treat, correct or cure any physical disease or condition; and by calling this a “treatment” they preclude finding out the real underlying causes of the condition and treating that with real, workable medical therapies.

New high-tech “treatments” for the brain will continue to be used to create the appearance of scientific progress, but in the end, psychiatry will be no closer to identifying any causes or effecting any cures; instead, their betrayal and brutality in the name of mental health continues. Psychiatry has proven only one thing — without the protection of basic human rights, there can only be diminished mental health.

Persons in desperate circumstances must be provided proper and effective medical care. The correct action on a seriously mentally disturbed person is a full, searching clinical examination by a competent medical, not psychiatric, doctor to discover and treat the true cause of the problem.

Click here for more information about the brutal reality of abusive psychiatric practices such as electroshock, deep brain stimulation, and psychosurgery.

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