Immigration and Mental Health

“An open-borders group that has benefited from U.S. taxpayer dollars and is funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros launched a smartphone application to help illegal immigrants avoid federal authorities.” [Quotes from a Judicial Watch article.]

The group behind the app is called United We Dream, and was started by the National Immigration Law Center (NILC). Both the NILC and its offshoot, United We Dream, get funding from Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Also, “Between 2008 and 2010, NILC received $206,453 in U.S. government grants.”

“The organization…claims to have played a leadership role in spearheading Barack Obama’s amnesty program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which has shielded hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from deportation.”

The United We Dream battle cry is “We changed the immigration debate by courageously declaring that we are ‘undocumented, unafraid and here to stay!'”

You might ask why CCHR may be interested in this?

After reviewing the lawsuit we previously reported about the coercive psychiatric drugging of immigrant children, we thought there might be further connections between this whole immigrant thing and the mental health industry. And no surprise, we found it.

The United We Dream and other associated websites point to a “Mental Health Toolkit” “designed to alleviate not only the stress and anxiety of folks across the nation and keep ours [sic] families secure, but also to give the reader tools that will allow them to conduct safe zone events and incorporate stress reducing activities within their community work and daily lives.”

Uh-huh. And how do you think they propose to do this?

Well, they refer legal and illegal (they prefer to say “undocumented”) immigrants directly into the mental health system, where they can be prescribed harmful and addictive psychiatric drugs.

“Mental Health America Resources: Available in English, and Spanish. This page includes several resources including, a local MHA affiliate locator, psychoeducation for mental health, support groups/resources, and national resources for mental health.”

Plus, legal and illegal immigrants are directed to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline if needed. The NSPL is funded by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the same agency which fraudulently claims that 1 in 5 Americans are mentally ill.

All this “mental health” information is cheerfully provided to immigrants by Dr. Luz M. Garcini, PhD, MPH, a clinical psychologist at Rice University.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5®) costs $210 and in 991 pages lists all 955 of the diagnostic codes needed by psychiatrists for insurance reimbursement. None of its diagnoses have clinical tests as a mental disorder (they are evaluated by opinion), and many of them can be assumed to directly apply to illegal immigrants. Who would have thought in 2013 when DSM-5 was released that it was preparing for the surge of new migrant patients? For example:

Academic or educational problem
Acculturation difficulty [i.e. cultural modification of an individual by adapting to traits from another culture]
Acute stress disorder
Adjustment disorder
Adjustment disorder, Unspecified
Adjustment disorder, With anxiety
Adjustment disorder, With depressed mood
Adjustment disorder, With disturbance of conduct
Adjustment disorder, With mixed anxiety and depressed mood
Adjustment disorder, With mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct
Discord with neighbor, lodger, or landlord
Discord with social service provider, including probation officer, case manager, or social services worker
Disruption of family by separation or divorce
Exposure to disaster, war, or other hostilities
Extreme poverty
Generalized anxiety disorder
Imprisonment or other incarceration
Inadequate housing
Insufficient social insurance or welfare support
Lack of adequate food or safe drinking water
Language disorder
Other personal risk factors
Other problem related to employment
Other problem related to psychosocial circumstances
Personal history (past history) of neglect in childhood
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Problems related to other legal circumstances
Target of (perceived) adverse discrimination or persecution
Unavailability or inaccessibility of health care facilities
Unavailability or inaccessibility of other helping agencies
Victim of terrorism or torture

We’re sure there are other relevant diagnoses, we just lost count.

So what exactly is this all about?

1. The mental health industry is targeting the immigrant community as ripe for exploitation.

2. The U.S. government has been suckered to pay for the “mental health” of illegal immigrants.

This all points to the extraordinary pervasiveness of fraudulent and harmful psychiatric and psychological mental health practices throughout society.

“Defectives” was the sweeping label in 1916 that Canadian psychiatrist Charles Kirk Clarke, a founder of the Canadian Mental Health Association, applied to immigrants from eastern and central Europe. Only now, with such a large and increasing immigrant population, and with public outcry rising against fraudulent and abusive psychiatric practices, the mental health industry is trying to bolster its services by targeting immigrants as one of their newest sources of income.

Fueled by a glut of research papers decrying the risk of immigrants with mental disorders, a hysteria fueled by tales of immigrant gangs running wild, and a government willing to pay for anything SAMHSA and Soros want, we now have a full blown immigration crisis with no one looking at its psychiatric foundations.

Whatever solutions there may be for these various problems, the most basic one, the one needing the most confront, and the one with the most potential return on investment, is the obliteration of the psychiatric industry and its affront to human rights.

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