More About The Dangerous Environment

Injustice, War, Pollution, Debt, Drugs, Illiteracy, Terrorism, Ignorance, Enslavement, Epidemics, School Shootings, Elderly Abuse, Foster Care Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Racism, Religious Intolerance, Political Abuse, Fake News, Psychiatry

It has been a couple of years since we last discussed The Dangerous Environment, but we notice now that we need to discuss it again.

Many people are not only convinced that the environment is dangerous, but that it is steadily growing more so. For many, it’s more of a challenge than they feel up to. An “environmental challenge” exists in an area which is filled with irrationality. While we thrive on a challenge, we can also be overwhelmed by a challenge to which we cannot respond.

What is dangerousness? Something one is afraid to communicate with. So if you say, “Don’t communicate with this,” then people will think it is dangerous. There are real areas of danger in the environment, but there are also areas being made to seem more dangerous than they really are. For example, recent political machinations stress the “dangerousness” of the environment — “Make America Safe Again!” This leads to all sorts of wrong targets, designed as red herrings to distract one from the real threats.

The fact of the matter is that the environment is made to appear much more dangerous than it actually is. A great number of people are professional dangerous environment makers. This includes professions which require a dangerous environment for their continued existence, such as the politician, the policeman, the newspaperman, the undertaker, the terrorist, the psychiatrist, and others.

These people sell a dangerous environment. That is their mainstay. They feel that if they did not sell people on the idea that the environment is dangerous, they would promptly go broke. So it is in their interest to make the environment seem far more dangerous than it actually is. This kind of misinformation is itself a clear and present danger to our personal safety.

Wherever psychiatry intervenes, the environment becomes more dangerous, more unsettled, more disturbed. PTSD, ADHD, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, on and on — psychiatry thrives on making people think they are sick; otherwise there would be no psychiatric patients, there would be no need for psychiatry.

A wide variety of environmental stresses can contribute to the onset of mental trauma. People can have mental trauma in their lives; but the treatment is not psychiatry or psychiatric drugs. The treatment is finding out what is really wrong, and then finding out that something can be done about it, and then doing something about it. Actually, if you knew what the problem really was, you would already have fixed it; so the “finding out” steps are essential. Psychiatry entirely skips the “finding out” steps; it just prescribes a drug to deaden the pain.

It used to be that the term “mentally ill” was limited to mean crazy people like those talking to themselves in the streets and those acting irrationally, oblivious to the world around them. However, the symptoms of mental illness, today, have been re-defined and broadened by psychiatry to fit under the umbrella of any non-optimum behavior, including what is considered normal for that age. Basically, “mentally ill” now is just an opinion about something that a psychiatrist doesn’t like.

This, in turn, allows for wholesale diagnoses of everything from “teenage moodiness” to “bad at mathematics”, followed by treatment with dangerous and addictive mind-altering drugs with harmful side effects. It would make more sense to look and see where the symptoms are coming from and check out things such as diet, allergies, infections, toxic things in the environment, illiteracy, etc.

The psychiatricizing of normal everyday behavior by including personality quirks and traits is a lucrative business for the psychiatrist, because by expanding the number of “mental illnesses” even ordinary people can become patients and added to the psychiatric marketing pool.

Safe and effective medical treatments for mental difficulties are often kept buried. The fact is, there are many medical conditions that when undetected and untreated can appear as psychiatric “symptoms.” The psychiatric pharmaceutical industry is making a killing — $84 billion per year — based on people being labeled with mental disorders that are not founded on science or medicine, but on marketing campaigns designed to sell drugs.

An individual’s health level, sanity level, activity level and ambition level are all monitored by their own concept of the dangerousness of the environment. You are as successful as you adjust your environment to yourself, rather than the environment enforcing itself on you. Find something in your environment that isn’t being a threat. It will calm you down.

Find Out About The Psychiatric Assault on America! Fight Back!

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