What is Fake News?

It’s all the rage now to point to various media and call the news fake. Actually, various media themselves are pointing to other media and calling it fake news. Fortunately, the real news can be found with diligent observation. However, there is still a lot we can say about fake news.

The news cycle, once a stately 24 hours, has been reduced to mere seconds by social media. This makes it difficult at times to stay on top of it; and also making it vastly quicker to manipulate.

This massive out-flow of fake news can be called “disinformation,” which is composed of lies and half truths written to seem as the truth, and has been used by communists and psychiatrists for years to further their destructive efforts.

Another name for fake news is “Black Propaganda” (Black PR), a public relations tool used to destroy reputation or public belief in persons, groups or nations, or nullify political opposition. Black PR is a covert parade of derogatory lies, half truths and exaggerations disguised as the truth. It is a common tool of individuals and agencies who are seeking to destroy real or fancied enemies or to seek dominance in some field. The opposite of Black PR is what we normally call Public Relations which is defined as “making good works well known.”

The Black PR that is touted or spoken or published on any given day is always part of a larger cycle, part of a long term campaign. Time Line: the media’s printed or spoken publishing cycle; i.e. when particular news items are recorded and plotted over a long period of time. Watching the Time Line often gives one a heads up about the campaign.

In a hugely illiterate society people abound who have a sort of malicious glee about passing along slanderous rumors and gossip. The difficulties and cost of libel and slander suits and the abuse of press privileges lay anyone open to deliberate campaigns to destroy a reputation. Black propaganda and whispering campaigns make use of such a willingness to pass on and amplify falsehoods. Unless one knows how to handle such an attack, one is vulnerable and can be made quite miserable.

The basic situation comes from 1) a natural law that could be stated as, “Where there is no data available, people will invent it;” and 2) the spreading of false data in order to confuse or enturbulate others.

There are seven specific steps to counter Black PR and render it ineffective. Although these handlings are not part of this current discussion, we can say that the first step is to pump out the true facts.

The basic idea of weakening or corrupting a population has been in use since before the Persian attacks on Greece. A sufficiently degraded or weakened people are in effect demilitarized. The advent of fast mass communication via social media offers a unique opportunity to employ technology which can destroy a population totally as an effective nation, and fake news or Black PR are the weapons of choice. This kind of cultural destruction is now in full use to miseducate and subvert the entire society. And now, not only the psychiatric industry but also other groups are using it. But psychiatrists are masters at it. All anyone has to do to win an argument these days, thanks to psychiatry, is to say, “You’re crazy.” So if you believe the news, whether it is fake or real, if someone wants to put you down they’ll say, “You’re crazy.” Your only alternatives are to use your own judgment, or go crazy.

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