Racism – How Psychiatry Creates and Perpetuates It

Definition of “racism” – prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.

In the United States, African-American and Hispanic children in predominantly white school districts are classified as “learning disabled” more often than Whites. This leads to millions of minority children being hooked onto prescribed mind-altering drugs to “treat” this fraudulent “mental disorder.”

African-Americans and Hispanics are also significantly over-represented in U.S. prisons. They are also more likely to receive electroshock treatment and to be subjected to physical and chemical restraints.

The rising incidents worldwide of anti-semitism and anti-Muslim sentiments are alarming, to say the least. Over the last decade an explosion of gratuitous violence has terrorized the world scene. Examination of these destructive phenomena reveals the influence of psychiatric treatment behind virtually all acts of terrorism.

Yes, we do have racism today. But why? Rather than struggle unsuccessfully with the answer to this question, there is a better question to ask. Who? The truth is we will not fully understand racism until we recognize that two largely unsuspected groups are actively and deceptively fostering racism throughout the world. The legacy of these groups includes such large-scale tragedies as the Nazi Holocaust, South Africa’s apartheid, violent acts of mass terrorism, and the widespread disabling of millions of schoolchildren with harmful, addictive drugs. These groups are psychiatry and psychology.

Psychiatry and psychology’s racist ideologies continue to light the fires of racism locally and internationally to this day.

In 1879, German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt of Leipzig University provided the ultimate scientific “proof” for eugenics and racism, by arrogantly declaring that as man’s soul could not be measured with scientific instruments, it did not exist. By this pronouncement, man suddenly became merely another animal. In other words, stripped of his soul by Wundt, man could be manipulated as easily as a dog could be trained to salivate at the sound of a bell.

In 1895, Alfred Ploetz, a Swiss-German psychiatrist, published his race inferiority theories in the book The Fitness of Our Race and the Protection of the Weak. Calling his philosophy Rassenhygiene [racial hygiene], Ploetz openly discouraged medical care for “the weak.” In later years, Hitler and his Nazi regime would use this to decide exactly who the “weak” were and what to do about them. Ploetz and his colleagues would be credited with providing the foundations of the Nazi racial state.

But Ploetz helped create much more than the Nazi regime and the Holocaust. His work laid the foundation for eugenics and racial suppression in countries around the world, including Australia, Canada, England, South Africa and the United States.

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood of America and a eugenicist, contributed an equally repulsive plan. Her “cure” for racial inferiority was sterilization. Sanger planned to “exterminate the Negro population” by inducing several black ministers with “engaging personalities,” to preach that sterilization was a solution to poverty. She stated that reaching Blacks “through a religious appeal,” would be the “most successful educational approach.”

Through their history of invented racial “diseases,” arbitrary judgments on “better stock” and bogus scientific claims like “lower IQ” and “racial inferiority,” psychiatry and psychology have not only legitimized 19th, 20th and 21st Century racism, but also provided the reason for outright genocide.

Today in the United States, psychiatrists and psychologists boldly demand more research funds because African-Americans, Native American Indians and Hispanics are over-represented in the ranks of the “mentally ill.” Former clinical psychologist William Tutman warns, “To oppress a race, and then label its reaction as a ‘mental illness,’ is not only morally wrong, it is criminal and fraudulent.”

The psychiatric profession has a profit interest in ensuring that racist ideas continue to influence our society. Psychiatry represents a destructive instrument of social control. Whether through racial ideologies responsible for the Holocaust and ethnic cleansing, or through tactics used to manufacture terrorists, methods of psychiatric and psychological mind and behavior control continue to wreak misery on an international scale.

Click here to download more detailed information about how psychiatry creates racism.
Click here to download more detailed information about psychiatry’s role in terrorism.

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