CCHR St. Louis Holds Three Successful February Events

CCHR St. Louis Holds Three Successful February Events

CCHR St. Louis had a successful February, holding three events to spread the word about psychiatric fraud and abuse.

Our annual trip to Jefferson City to speak with Missouri state legislators was February 2 through 4. We set up in the Rotunda of the state Capitol Building, and walked the halls to distribute CCHR DVDs and speak with all available Representatives and Senators.

Jeff City Statistics

Distributed 124 Public Relations Kits with Documentary DVDs
Distributed 22 Individual Documentary DVDs
Distributed 152 Handouts & Pamphlets
Staffed by 5 CCHR Volunteers (Thank you very much!)

Our annual booth at the Working Women’s Survival Show in the St. Charles Convention Center was February 20 through 22.

WWSS Statistics

Distributed 258 Pamphlets
Distributed 9 Booklets
Sold 28 Documentary DVDs
Distributed 2,716 pieces of Literature
Talked to (at least) 190 People
Received (at least) 149 Positive Comments
Staffed by 12 CCHR Volunteers (Thank you very much!)

In addition, we spoke at a meeting of the St. Louis Bible Fellowship February 10 to discuss psychiatric suppression of religion, and distributed 15 Documentary DVDs to the attendees.

Needless to say, we had great fun educating our main public (people who need to know about psychiatric fraud and abuse and who may be in a position to Do Something About It); you are all welcome to contribute in this manner. Let us know if you would like to help by emailing CCHRSTL@CCHRSTL.ORG.

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