The Hard Truth #2

The Hard Truth #2

In our May 5th newsletter we introduced The Hard Truth Magazine. We are delighted to recommend issue number 2 just released.

Here is a brief quote from this latest issue:

“In China, the Falun Gong (a pacifistic religious sect whose politically menacing motto is ‘Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance’) came to the attention of the Chinese Ministry of State Security because of its rapid growth. The state teamed with resident psychiatrists and developed a new mental disorder specifically for the Falun Gong: Evil cult-related mental disorder. … There are now thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in mental hospitals in the People’s Republic of China undergoing unspeakable torture. When they renounce Falun Gong, they are cured.”

Religions are facing an insidious assault that is not only sapping their spiritual and material strength, but in some cases threatening their very survival.

In the late 1800’s psychiatrists sought to replace religion with their “soulless science.” In 1940, psychiatry openly declared its plans when British psychiatrist John Rawling Rees, a co–founder of the World Federation for Mental Health, addressed a National Council of Mental Hygiene stating: “…since the last world war we have done much to infiltrate the various social organizations throughout the country … we have made a useful attack upon a number of professions. The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the Church … .”

The consequences have been devastating for both society and religion. Until recently, it was religion that provided man with the moral and spiritual markers necessary for him to create and maintain civilizations of which he could be proud. Religion provides the inspiration needed for a life of higher meaning and purpose. In this crisis, it falls upon religious leaders to take the decisive steps. Men of the cloth need to shake off the yoke of soulless materialism spawned by psychology and psychiatry and put religion back into the hands of the religious and out of the hands of psychiatry.

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Find out more about psychiatry’s war against religion here.

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