Rescue Drugs

Rescue Drugs

If you missed us (the CCHR St. Louis booth) at the Working Women’s Survival Show at the St. Charles Convention Center in February, we want you to know that we had a blast talking to hundreds of people about the dangers of psychiatric drugs and other psychiatric treatments.

One of the interesting results of this exposure was our new awareness of something called “rescue drugs.”

A rescue drug is one intended to relieve symptoms immediately, in contrast to other drugs which are intended to cure a medical problem or to prevent or reduce symptoms over a more extended period. It generally refers to the sudden onset of undesirable symptoms, rather than those that may already be present.

In this context we spoke with people who agreed with us that psychiatric drugs are bad for you, but they still carry around their psychiatric rescue drugs, such as an anti-anxiety drug in case they suddenly have a panic attack, for example.

From this we might observe that, 1) the root cause of their difficulty has not yet been found, and 2) while the message may be getting out that psychotropic drugs are bad for you, the message that there are effective non-drug alternatives is still somewhat suppressed.

Be sure to attend our upcoming seminar about healthy alternatives.

The First Alternative is Do No Harm!

The Second Alternative is Find and Fix The Cause!

Read more about non-psychiatric alternatives by clicking here.

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