Aspartame Side Effects

Aspartame Side Effects

“The most widely used artificial sweetener — aspartame or Nutra-sweet — is a neurotoxic substance that has been associated with numerous health problems including dizziness, visual impairment, severe muscle aches, numbing of extremities, pancreatitis, high blood pressure, retinal hemorrhaging, seizures and depression.” [from the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon, Revised Second Edition, New Trends Publishing, 2001, page 51]

These statements are supported by research published in 1993 by psychiatrists from Northeastern Ohio University, Western Reserve Care System, and University Hospitals of Cleveland:

“This study was designed to ascertain whether individuals with mood disorders are particularly vulnerable to adverse effects of aspartame. Although the protocol required the recruitment of 40 patients with unipolar depression and a similar number of individuals without a psychiatric history, the project was halted by the [Western Reserve Care System] Institutional Review Board after a total of 13 individuals had completed the study because of the severity of reactions within the group of patients with a history of depression. … It would appear that individuals with mood disorders are particularly sensitive to this artificial sweetener; its use in this population should be discouraged.” [“Adverse Reactions to Aspartame: Double-Blind Challenge in Patients from a Vulnerable Population“, Biol. Psychiatry v.34 pp.13-17 1993, by Ralph G. Walton, Robert Hudak, and Ruth J. Green-Waite]

The theory that mental disorders derive from a “chemical imbalance” in the brain is unproven opinion, not fact. People in desperate circumstances must be provided proper and effective medical care. Medical, not psychiatric, attention, good nutrition, a healthy, safe environment and activity that promotes confidence will do far more than the brutality of psychiatry’s “treatments.” The brain is your body’s most energy-intensive organ. It represents only three percent of your body weight but utilizes twenty-five percent of your body’s oxygen, nutrients and circulating glucose. Therefore any significant metabolic disruptions can impact brain function first.

Humane mental health hospitals and homes must be established to replace coercive psychiatric institutions. These must have a full complement of competent physical (non-psychiatric) doctors and medical diagnostic equipment, which non-psychiatric medical doctors can use to thoroughly examine and test for all underlying physical problems that may be manifesting as disturbed behavior. Government and private funds should be channeled into this rather than abusive psychiatric institutions and programs that have proven not to work.

All citizens need to be informed and educated about what is going on with psychiatric fraud and abuse. Your life and the future of our country is at stake. The information CCHR provides is vital to your survival. It is also vital to the survival of your friends and you should send this information on to your friends and recommend they subscribe to this newsletter.

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