The Hidden Enemy

Today, with militaries of the world awash in psychiatry and psychiatric drugs, 23 soldiers and veterans are committing suicide every day.

Psychiatrists say we need more psychiatry. But should we trust them? Or is psychiatry the hidden enemy?

Featuring interviews with over 80 soldiers and experts, this penetrating documentary shatters the facade to reveal the real culprits who are destroying our world’s militaries from within. Here is some of what you will discover in this documentary:

• Officially, one in six American service members is on at least one psychiatric drug.

• The visible effects of combat stress have been chronicled by writers going back to ancient times. But in 1980, psychiatrists labeled it “post-traumatic stress disorder,” or “PTSD,” later claiming—without evidence—that it was a “brain” dysfunction. 37% of recent war veterans are being treated for it. And once diagnosed with PTSD, 80% are given a psychiatric drug.

• Since 2002, the suicide rate in the U.S. military has almost doubled. From 2009 to 2012, more U.S. soldiers died by suicide than from traffic accidents, heart disease, cancer and homicide.

• Every year since 2001, there has been a 15% increase in visits to mental health professionals by military family members.

This story has been censored every step of the way. Watch this documentary to finally find out the truth.

The Army and the other fighting services form rather unique experimental groups since they are complete communities and it is possible to arrange experiments in a way that would be very difficult in civilian life.

Psychiatrists used the Second World War as an opportunity to try some very risky treatments on soldiers who had very little to say in the matter.

From the 50’s through the 70’s psychiatrists in countries like Britain, the United States, and the USSR, continued to use their militaries as proving grounds for an arsenal of new experimental treatments such as LSD.

The drugging of the military is off the charts, especially in the United States. From 2005 to 2011 the U.S. Department of Defense increased its prescriptions of psychiatric drugs by nearly seven times. These powerful mind-altering psychiatric drugs carry warnings of increased suicidal thoughts, anxiety, insomnia, and psychosis, especially with high dosages or when abruptly stopped.

What can we do about it? CCHR St. Louis will distribute this documentary DVD to every Missouri Senator and Representative in Jefferson City in February 2014; we need to raise $2,000 to purchase the DVDs. Please click the DONATE link here to contribute.

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