Psychiatric Morphology

Psychiatric Morphology

Morphology: the study of the form and structure of something (from Greek morphe, form.)

We have been seeing a recent spate of media about the jam the psycho-pharmaceutical industry has placed itself in, and how that came to be. Many news and magazine articles, radio and TV programs are discussing the history and morphology of psychiatry, the ridiculous fraudulent nature of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), and the epidemic of harmful and addictive psychiatric drug use across this nation and the world.

This is not limited to the United States. Much of the rest of the world uses the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD) in the same manner as the U.S. uses the DSM. ICD has the same kind of silly characterizations for mental distress as the DSM, such as “mental disorders” related to one’s difficulty reading, spelling, doing arithmetic; and other categories that the rest of us just know as stress such as disaster, war and other hostilities; smoking, drinking, “lack of physical exercise,” “inappropriate diet,” “lack of relaxation or leisure;” and indeed even for other peoples’ problems such as a “family history of mental and behavioural disorders.” Yes, one can be labeled with a mental disorder because someone else in one’s family was so labeled; we call this the eugenics of psychiatry.

An August 2nd article by Will Self in the United Kingdom’s Guardian News, “Psychiatrists: the drug pushers,” is an example of the recurrent backlash against psychiatric fraud and abuse. Here are a few choice quotes:

“What do psychiatrists have to offer … beyond their capacity to legally administer psychoactive drugs, and in some cases forcibly confine those they deem to be mentally ill?”

“… only psychiatry deals in mandatory social care and legal sanction.”

“Yet while the regime under which those diagnosed with mental pathologies has changed immensely in the last half-century, the prognosis remains no better. Some say that it is manifestly worse.”

This is what we would like to address in our morphology of psychiatry: the fact that, even with the many changes the psychiatric industry trumpets over the last fifty or hundred years, the bottom line is that psychiatry’s reliance on brutality and coercion has not changed since the moment it was born.

Without any ability to cure, psychiatrists have always relied on intimidation, force and fear to control those they claim to help. Because of its history of cruel and unworkable treatments, psychiatry is the ugly stepchild of medicine, and must enforce its treatments on the helpless in order to exist at all.

The pseudoscientific ideology of eugenics, the theory that human beings could be selectively bred to encourage desirable traits and weed out the undesirable, was spread by psychiatrists as blatant racism that justifies shoddy treatment of poor people and ethnic minorities. Between 11 and 17 million people were murdered during the Holocaust, all judged eugenically “inferior” and marked for death. And psychiatrists designed the entire machinery and, in some cases, ran it.

The psychiatric ideology of eugenics embraced by Nazi psychiatrists was never abolished after the end of Hitler’s Third Reich, but has continued to present day, and is evident in the ICD’s classification for “family history of mental and behavioural disorders.” For the proof, watch the CCHR documentary, “The Age of Fear – Psychiatry’s Reign of Terror,” and show it to your family, friends and associates.

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