FOX Special Report: Drugging the American Soldier

FOX Special Report: Drugging the American
Soldier—Military’s Reliance on Powerful Psych Drugs

In an article released this past Memorial Day by Fox National News, investigative reporter Douglas Kennedy teams up with Dr. Peter Breggin and CCHR Human Rights Award Winner, Stan White to expose the “increased use of powerful psychiatric drugs on our veterans and the impact these drugs are having.”

Stan White is the father of Marine Corporal Andrew White who survived the 2005 war in Iraq only to return home and be “treated” for PTSD which included a “lethal cocktail” of 19 different drugs prescribed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, including Paxil, Klonopin, and Seroquel, before he passed away in his sleep. Stan and his wife Shirley are now dedicated to exposing the massive drugging of American soldiers and veterans.

“It’s inexcusable to be giving our military and our vets multiple psychiatric drugs and cocktails. They do no good, they do huge harm.”

— Dr. Peter Breggin

Click here to watch the video and read the article.

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