

Many readers of this newsletter have provided support for CCHR St. Louis, either as volunteer helpers or as monetary donors; many have not. We wanted to provide a way for all our readers to easily exchange for receiving the benefits of this newsletter.

Exchange: Trading something of value in return for something of similar value.

For example, permitting someone to receive something of value without their valuable contribution in return, or permitting someone to give something of no value while receiving something of value, are alike encouraging criminal behavior.

We delight in providing readers this newsletter; and although we certainly would not discourage volunteer help or monetary donations, an exchange that would significantly help us, which is of great value to us, would be your forwarding this newsletter to your family, friends, and associates — and asking them if they might like to subscribe. We would not even discourage you from recommending a subscription to this newsletter, should you find it of value. It is easy to subscribe, and easy to unsubscribe.

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Of course, the concept of exchange also applies very much to the mission and purpose of CCHR. The psychiatric industry is totally out of exchange with the rest of human society. They are selling something harmful and calling it helpful. This is criminal fraud.

Fraud: A deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain; deliberately misrepresenting something to secure profit; dishonest dealings, cheating or trickery; selling something harmful but calling it helpful.

The United States loses approximately $100 billion to health care fraud each year; up to $40 billion of this is due to fraudulent practices in the mental health industry.

The mental health monopoly has practically zero accountability and zero liability for its failures.

Psychiatric drugs don’t cure anyone and they don’t prevent disease.

Despite more than a decade of healthcare fraud investigations and convictions in the U.S. alone, psychiatrists and psychologists have not reformed the fraudulent practices that are rife within its ranks.

Psychiatry’s predatory and profit-driven practices are international in scope and fraudulent to the core.

With mental health care insurance coverage being mandated in the U.S., fraud levels escalate.

Community Mental Health Centers have led to massive increases in government spending and fraud, with no commensurate results.

Drug abuse and drug fraud are commonplace in the psychiatric system.

Studies in numerous countries reveal that between 10% and 25% of psychiatrists and psychologists admit to sexually abusing their patients.

One of psychiatry’s most successful means of defrauding those who pay for psychiatric treatment is through the use of its unscientific Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Mentally troubled persons living in residential psychiatric facilities are easy targets for exploitation: fraud, assault and sexual or financial abuse.

The primary purpose of mental health treatment must be the therapeutic care and treatment of individuals who are suffering emotional disturbance. It must never be the financial or personal gain of the practitioner. Those suffering are inevitably vulnerable and impressionable. Proper treatment therefore demands the highest level of trustworthiness and integrity in the practitioner.

What should be done about fraud in the mental health industry?

This is another area where you can contribute and make a valuable exchange for receiving this newsletter. Contact your local, state and federal officials and representatives and let them know what you think about fraud and abuse in the mental health industry; let them know that psychiatry is a criminal exchange; demand they Do Something About It!

A good start would be to demand that the DSM should be removed from use in all government agencies, departments and other bodies including criminal, educational and justice systems. None of these so-called “mental disorders” should be eligible for insurance coverage because they have no scientific, physical validation. Provide funding and insurance coverage only for proven, workable treatments that verifiably and dramatically improve or cure mental health problems.

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