Follow the Missouri legislature at (Missouri General Assembly) and find out how to contact your own Missouri state representative here.
We wanted to tell you about proposed legislation that we think deserves your support. Please contact your Missouri state representative in support of this bill.
(If you do not live and vote in Missouri, then suggest to your own state representative to introduce similar legislation in your state.)
Introduced by Rep. John McCaherty (Republican, District 97 – Jefferson County) and co-sponsored by Rep’s Higdon, Crawford, Lauer, Cross and Richardson.
This bill extends the statute of limitations for liability of licensed mental health practitioners to five years, from the two years currently provided in RSMo (Revised Statutes of Missouri) chapter 516.105.
Quoting from the proposed bill: “All actions against mental health professionals licensed under chapter 337 for damages for malpractice, negligence, error or mistake related to mental health care shall be brought within five years from the date of occurrence of the act of neglect complained of; except that, in cases in which the person bringing the action is a minor less than eighteen years of age, such minor shall have until his or her twenty-third birthday to bring such action.”</>
We think this bill is a good thing because of the significant amount of fraud and abuse in the mental health care industry.
Contacting your state representative about this proposed legislation is an important civic duty, and is a valuable grass roots action that you can perform. Feel free to forward this newsletter to all your family, friends, and associates in Missouri. Let us know about what you did and any responses you get.</>
You can review hints about how to write to your legislators here.