Aurora shooter was a psychiatric patient

Colorado shooting bombshell: Defense says suspect was psychiatric patient

Exposed by The Christian Science Monitor

Information on the Aurora, Colorado shooting suspect, James E. Holmes, was in a defense motion submitted to the judge in which it accused the prosecution of leaking privileged information.

Defense lawyers for the gunman accused in the Colorado movie theater massacre of July 20 revealed in a court filing made public July 27 that their client was a psychiatric patient of a professor at the University of Colorado and that he had sent her a message mailed prior to the shooting. The lawyers said former graduate student James Holmes was being treated by Dr. Lynne Fenton, a board certified psychiatrist at the university’s Anshutz Medical Campus in Aurora, Colorado.

Well, this is interesting.

While the media has not yet revealed that Holmes had been taking psychiatric drugs — we’re waiting for that bombshell. Let us know as soon as you see this in the media.

Psychiatric “treatment” ultimately means psychotropic, mind-altering drugs which are known to cause violent and suicidal behavior.

Psychiatrists justify and prescribe life-damaging treatments, including mind-altering drugs, which mask a person’s underlying difficulties and prevent his or her recovery.

However, there are no blood tests, X-rays, brain scans or any scientific/medical means by which psychiatry’s diagnoses can be verified. Subsequently millions of men women and children have been wrongly diagnosed as mentally ill, and prescribed dangerous and potentially lethal psychiatric drugs.

People in desperate circumstances must be provided proper and effective medical care. Medical, not psychiatric, attention, good nutrition, a healthy, safe environment and activity that promotes confidence will do far more than the brutality of psychiatry’s drug treatments.

CCHR recommends that governments implement mandatory toxicology reports that specify a testing for psychiatric drugs in anyone who has committed a homicide or serious violent crime. Also, ensure that where psychiatric mind-altering drugs are implicated in such a crime, the psychiatrist prescribing the drugs be held accountable and that this information is made public.

Help the press and law enforcement to ask the right question: What, if any, prescribed psychotropic drugs Holmes may have been on (or in withdrawal from). Contact your local news media; contact your local law enforcement; contact your legislators; contact your local, state and federal officials. Tell them to ask the right question!

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