The annual NARPA rights conference



Celebrating Our Past, Creating Our Future

September 5-8, 2012

Conference begins Wednesday evening & ends noon Saturday

The Millennium Hotel
Cincinnati, Ohio

For 30 years, NARPA has provided an educational conference with inspiring keynoters and outstanding workshops. Learn from each other and come together as a community committed to social justice for people with psychiatric labels & developmental disabilities.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) is providing financial support to individuals who are current or former recipients of mental health services, in order to enable these individuals to develop or improve advocacy skills from information available at the conference. The deadline for application is May 29th. Go to to download the application form.

NARPA‘s mission is to promote policies and pursue strategies that result in individuals with psychiatric diagnoses making their own choices regarding treatment. They educate and mentor those individuals to enable them to exercise their legal and human rights with a goal of abolition of all forced treatment.

NARPA is an independent organization, solely supported by its members. It is a unique mix of people who have experienced psychiatric intervention, advocates, civil rights activists, mental health workers, and lawyers — with many people whose roles overlap. NARPA exists to to protect people’s right to choice and to be free from coercion, and to promote alternatives so that the right to choice can be meaningful.

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