Drugs to treat neuropsychiatric disorders have become too risky for big pharma

An article in the August, 2011 Scientific American, written by directors at the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development, claims that “many big drug companies are pulling the plug on R&D for neuropsychiatric and other central nervous system (CNS) medicines.”

While we rejoice at this good news, it is accompanied by equally distressing news about the Coalition Against Major Diseases, and the Cures Acceleration Network (courtesy of the new health care reform law,) which are bent on finding more cost-effective ways to find new drugs.

Given that harmful and addictive psychiatric drugs are a problem of magnitude, an even larger and more fearful problem is the psychiatric industry itself, which relies on fraudulent diagnoses to justify the use of these drugs. Psychiatrists are so anxious to produce an effect, since they know they cannot cure anything, that they rely on shocking people with drugs, electroconvulsive therapy and involuntary commitment, in order to produce an impact. When you produce a sufficient amount of horror in people by shocking them with these “treatments” they react hypnotically and fall under psychiatric control. The combination of false diagnoses and harmful treatments makes patients for life, they just keep coming back for more (the basic definition of addiction,) just the thing to keep up a steady income for the psychopharmaceutical industry.

What is the alternative to psychiatric fraud and abuse? One is afraid that the alternative is an even bigger problem — how to bring enough order, activity, potentiality, good sense and communication into the environment so that people can really function well and improve their conditions in life.

Let us start by putting psychiatry and psychiatrists out of business. Insist that they promise to refuse to accept money from anyone they feel they cannot honestly help. Write your local, state and federal officials and tell them what you think. Tell them to provide funding and insurance coverage only for proven, workable treatments that verifiably and dramatically improve or cure mental health problems; and cut funding and insurance coverage for unproven, unworkable, and harmful treatments that perpetuate the fraud and abuse in the mental health care industry.

Click here for more information about psychiatric fraud and abuse.

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