DC 0 to 3

DC 0 to 3

Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood, Revised (DC:0-3R)

Your future generations are in peril. Your children are at risk from psychiatric fraud and abuse.

The Zero To Three organization first published DC:0-3 in 1994 to classify what they called “mental health and developmental disorders” in the first four years of life (ages 0 to 3.)

Like the fake “psychosis risk syndrome” we’ve discussed before, they extoll the virtue of diagnosing and treating infants from birth to age 3 for mental disorders, or treating them pre-emptively for the potential to develop a mental disorder at a later age.

Gag me!

Here are some of the “mental disorders” for which an infant can be diagnosed and given psychiatric drugs:

– Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (e.g. any emotionally stressful condition)
– Prolonged Bereavement/Grief Reaction (e.g. losing a primary caregiver)
– Separation Anxiety Disorder
– Sleep-Onset Disorder (frankly, I never wanted to go to bed that early)
– Night-Waking Disorder (we used to call this either hunger, thirst, or “dreaming about the bogeyman”)
– Sensory Food Aversions (e.g. refusal to eat certain foods)

We don’t know about you, but we’ve never met an infant (especially ourselves) that did not exhibit one or more of these symptoms at one time or another. We grew out of it; we presume, with proper medical and parental attention, that the vast majority of infants recover normally as well.

The current revision, DC:0-3R, is supposed to help mental health and other professionals recognize mental health and developmental challenges in young children, and of course provide a rationale for prescribing psychiatric drugs and other psychiatric treatments, not unlike the psychiatric billing bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) but specific to infants.

This is really happening, folks. Your children are at risk.

We suggest you express your outrage to your local, state and federal officials. Show the CCHR DVD documentaries to your schools, churches, doctors, newspapers, legislators, and so on — wherever you have an opportunity. If you need a copy of a CCHR DVD to play for others, let us know. A donation to help us spread this information around would be helpful.

What are the alternatives to a child’s restless dreams of the bogeyman? Given that the very first alternative to psych drugs is No-Psych-Drugs, one suspects that there are any number of natural alternatives.

Because if an infant or child gets hooked on psychiatric drugs, the bogeyman dreams may be a lot more difficult to manage.

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